An english essay
Thursday, August 27, 2020
Computer Viruses :: essays research papers fc
PC Viruses      A PC infection is an unlawful and conceivably harming PC program intended to contaminate other programming by appending itself to any product it contacts. As a rule, infection programs are intended to harm PC frameworks vindictively by devastating of adulterating information. On the off chance that the tainted programming is moved to or gotten to by another PC framework, the infection spreads to the next framework. Infections have become a difficult issue lately, and as of now, a huge number of realized infection programs exist (Reed 85-102)b.      Three sorts of infections are a boot segment infection, record infection, and Trojan pony infection. A boot area infection taints the. At the point when the contaminated boot program executes, the infection is stacked into the computer’s memory. When the Virus is in memory, it can spread to any floppy plate embedded into the PC. A record infection embeds infection codes into program files†¦ The infection at that point spreads to any program that gets to the tainted document. A Trogan horse infection (named after the Greek fantasy) covers up inside or is intended to seem as though s genuine program.      Some infections intrude on preparing by freezing a PC framework incidentally and afterward showing sounds or messages. Different infections contain delayed bombs or rationale bombs. A delayed bomb is a program that plays out an action on a specific date. A rationale bomb is a program that plays out a movement when a specific activity happens, for example, a worker being ended. A worm, which is like an infection, duplicates itself more than once until no more memory of plate space remains.      To discover PC infections, hostile to infection programs have been created. Other than recognizing infections, hostile to infection programs likewise have utilities to expel or fix contaminated projects and documents. Some harmed documents can't be fixed and should be supplanted with uninfected file records. The table beneath diagrams a few procedures used to secure PC frameworks. Table Procedures for infection Protection and System Archive Utilizing Virus Protection Software     Backing Up Your System Introduce infection assurance programming on each PC system     Develop an ordinary arrangement for duplicating and putting away significant information and program documents. Prior to utilize, filter each floppy plate with an infection examine program to check for viruses.     Implement a reinforcement plan and hold fast to its rules.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Kantian and existentialist conceptions of freedom
Kantian and existentialist originations of opportunity Immanuel Kant (1724-1804), most popular for his work Critique of Pure Reason, was an instrumental thinker in his commitments to moral way of thinking. A passionate Catholic, he solidly put stock in the presence of God. Existentialists like Jean-Paul Sartre (1905-1980), notwithstanding, countered Kantian way of thinking in their position on the unimportance of presence. For existentialists, life had no more noteworthy reason as people lived in a limitless universe indifferent with human presence. Regardless of this key distinction, in any case, the Kantian and existentialist ideas of opportunity shared more for all intents and purpose than the remainder of their thoughtful segments. Despite the fact that established in restricting bases, both Kantian and existentialist opportunity had a greater number of similitudes than contrasts. Kantian unrestrained choice and the existentialist freedom from duty both specified that man was just tightened in his decision by his own inner voice. The two methods of reasoning ideas of opportunity are established in human outcome, however where Kantian opportunity varies is the analytics of Christian ethics and sin. Despite the fact that his way of thinking was profoundly established in religion, Kant didn't attempt to decrease human opportunity, accentuating the Christian idea of through and through freedom (Guyer 1992, p. 2). In spite of the fact that through and through freedom hypothetically enables man to any activity he so wants, Kant put stock in inseparably connecting human opportunity to the ethical law taught by the apparition of an all powerful, all-seeing God (Guyer 1992, p. 4). In contrast to Sartre, Kant put stock in an essential issue presented by human opportunity. As a result of the boundless prospects and rebellion presented by the through and through freedom of millions, Kant embraced from the earlier, moral-based way of thinking constraining the limits of human will to guarantee protection of more noteworthy's benefit. Kants extreme perspective on opportunity was one that stressed the significance of restriction as the utilization of opportunity prompted the perils of realism and determinism, from which the guideline of opportunity must be spared no matter what (Guyer 1992, p. 52). Maybe generally concrete about Kantian way of thinking is its contention that man can't exist without God; keeps an eye on activities exist since God permitted him through and through freedom, and for no other explanation. Existentialist way of thinking rotates around the statute that there is no God for whose benefit keeps an eye on activities should be consigned. God didn't make man. Rather, man made God. With no God upon whom mankind depends, there can be no restriction to the probability of opportunity. Existentialism directs that there is no foreordained end to keeps an eye on activities, that, not at all like in Kantian way of thinking, presence is good for nothing. Man is an animal like some other animal known to man, and however invested with certain psychological limits, exists just to die leaving no incredible engraving on the unbounded universe. Moreover, every individual is one of a kind from the existentialist point of view, and no two individuals can be dependent upon precisely the same good direct. Thus, the existentialist origination of man created, depicting the individualessentially still free in any event, when in chains[as] ace of his own destiny (Howells 1992, p. 68). The cutoff po ints on human opportunity are those of a cognizant, self-executed nature. Keeps an eye on activities are restricted uniquely by the cognizant choice of man, wherein he/she is obliged to rehearse cooperative attitude (Howells 1992, p. 33). In his The Transcendence of the Ego, Sartre analyzes his ethical objectivist antecedent Kant, concentrating on distinction as a vital point in presence. Sartre declares that Kant says nothing concerning the genuine presence of the [statement] I think, indicating that in Kants idea of choice and restriction, Kant doesn't consider the chance of man to excuse the from the earlier framework inside and out (Sartre 1988, p. 32). Sartre contends that Kantian way of thinking depends on man as being constrained to keep a progression of good laws, which fundamentally restricts human opportunity. Sartre contends that genuine opportunity comes unafraid of outcome. Just in the existential acknowledgment of the vanity of activity and presence can genuine opportunity to act exist. From the earlier laws are a coupling code, and however they exist for more prominent's benefit, they despite everything limit the limits of the Christian idea of choice. Basically, following up on impulse through a delega te, for example, religion despite everything shackles keeps an eye on scope of activity, thought, and at last hinders opportunity. In spite of Sartres disputes of the more prominent opportunity of existentialist way of thinking, both the Kantian and existentialist ways of thinking share a lot of practically speaking. Kant had confidence in through and through freedom as allowed by God to man; man, thus, has the total opportunity to do however he sees fit. Despite the fact that the results collected by religion are clarified, man has the decision to acknowledge the outcomes of his activities and can choose whether or not to attempt to practice unrestrained choice as he sees fit. Existentialist opportunity, through the acknowledgment of presence as inane, enriches man with an unrestrained choice too, however of an alternate sort. In existentialist opportunity, keeps an eye on activities are aimless in the stupendous plan of the universe, and he is thoroughly allowed to do however he sees fit. In any case, man is limited by the result of good offense, involving that he should not to act in specific manners for the benefit of his individual man. The main separating viewpoint is the usage of from the earlier laws in Kantian way of thinking, instead of the thought of others in existentialist way of thinking. The two ways of thinking see man as limited by information on his results, which hinders opportunity in a similar way. Regardless of whether mindful of an existence in the wake of death or the impact of activities on others, the two methods of reasoning component similar countermeasures to through and through freedom. The similitudes among existentialism and Kantian way of thinking are clear just when inspected from a more extensive perspective. The more personally analyzed, the less likenesses hold. Under investigation, the two ways of thinking are direct inverses, yet the course of the two basically continues as before. The two methods of reasoning direct the confinements important on keeps an eye on opportunities so as to calmly exist together with his environmental factors. Where they vary is the wellspring of confinements. For Kant, the impediment originates from the from the earlier good objectivist laws credited to God. Existentialists, then again, locate similar opportunities, yet from an alternate methodology as they grasp the idea of the universes lack of concern toward man and the immaterial presence of mankind.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Las Vegas Suspects Indicted in Elder Fraud Scheme - OppLoans
Las Vegas Suspects Indicted in Elder Fraud Scheme - OppLoans Las Vegas Suspects Indicted in Elder Fraud Scheme Las Vegas Suspects Indicted in Elder Fraud SchemeBy Grace AustinInside Subprime: December 9Several suspects behind an elder fraud scheme involving phony cash prizes through the mail have been arrested.Six individuals are being charged with mail fraud and conspiracy to commit mail fraud. One has also been charged with making a false statement to investigators. All the suspects live in Las Vegas.Five suspects were arrested in mid-November by federal postal inspectors, and another turned himself in to authorities.The Department of Justice said three other people involved in the scheme already pleaded guilty earlier this year to mail fraud.The fraud scheme tricked victims into paying a small fee to claim a bigger cash prize. The fee was usually $20 or $30, but the victims never received any prize back. Many of those targeted were elderly.Officials say hundreds of thousands of consumers were affected, and were scammed out of more than $10 million.“The Department will pursue and prosecut e those who defraud elderly or vulnerable consumers,†said Assistant Attorney General Jody Hunt of the DOJ’s Civil Division. “We have alleged that these defendants perpetrated a cruel hoax on their victims and relentlessly targeted many with repeated fraudulent mailings.â€Multiple suspects allegedly worked at a printing and mailing business and would send the fraudulent mail to victims. They then would pool the profits received from the prize fees, according to authorities.One suspect allegedly opened victims’ return mail, sorted through the payments, and entered data from the responses into a database. They would then use that information to target previous victims with more mail in an ongoing cycle of fraud.The fraud scheme carried on for eight years. It only ended after postal investigators executed several search warrants and the Department of Justice issued a court order to shut it down. The defendants supposedly ignored cease and desist orders, and kept perpetrating t he scheme, changing the names of companies and the owners’ names of the businesses.Each of the mail fraud and conspiracy charges carry a minimum sentence of 20 years in prison. The false statement charge one suspect carries a maximum sentence of five years. Each charge also carries a fine of up to $250,000.As the DOJ indicates, mass mailing is just one way fraudsters victimize seniors. Officials warn that telemarketing and tech support scams are additional methods that can scam the elderly.“It will be a priority of this office to dismantle organizations like this one that prey on the elderly and vulnerable,†said U.S. Attorney Nicholas Trutanich for the District of Nevada. “We will continue to investigate and prosecute these large-scale frauds that operate in Nevada and across the country.â€For more information on scams, predatory lenders and payday loans, see our city and state financial guides including states and cities like California, Texas, Illinois and more.Visit Op pLoans on YouTube | Facebook | Twitter | LinkedIn
Monday, May 25, 2020
Freedom Of Speech And Free Speech - 1737 Words
Freedom of Speech can only go so far before it starts to impede the right of the others, and free speech does not come before other people’s given rights.. According to Steven J. Heyman in the article â€Å"Free Speech Has Limits,†freedom of speech comes tied together with respecting the freedom of other and the rights of other people (par. 4). The author goes on to say that cutting off other peoples rights in the name of free speech can be seen as wrongful and can be faced with consequences (par. 5). Heyman continues to explain that some hate speech can be a violation of a person’s basic right of being seen as a human being (par. 12). The hate speech that does this can cause injury to the dignity of being a human being, a right that everyone has and is granted from birth (par. 2). No other right should take that away. He goes further into this topic to say that if a form of speech violates another human’s right to live with freedom from violence, it sho uld be limited and met with consequences (par. 11). Heyman suggests that to protect the rights of others free speech should be limited from infringing a right of another person, or when it is attacking another person or their rights (par. 18). Free speech also should take away the right of human’s to be seen as equals. A point in the argument about seeing other people as equals is stated very well in the article â€Å"Laws Against Hate Speech Are Justified.†â€Å"The fact that people can say such hurtful and demeaning things aboutShow MoreRelatedFree Speech : Freedom Of Speech1403 Words  | 6 PagesFREE SPEECH Freedom of speech is perhaps the most precious tenets of liberal democracies accorded to the citizens of the free world. The United States, and the rest of the Western society is known to be the cradle of democratic principles, and this can be evidenced by the level of freedom accorded to the citizens of the United States and the West in terms of speech. The freedom of speech gives an individual an opportunity to speak his or her mind and also give his or her opinion, sometimes on veryRead MoreSpeech Free Speech On The Freedom Of Speech1380 Words  | 6 Pagesmake no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech or of the press; or the right of the people to peaceably assemble and to petition the government for a redress of grievances. This freedom of speech clause as included in the First Amendment guarantees the citizens of America to express information and ideas freely. But is all form of speech free? On the most basic level, this clause allows for the expression of an opinionRead MoreFree Speech Or Freedom Of Speech Essay911 Words  | 4 PagesIntroduction America is known as The Land of Freedom, basically we are entitled for legal freedom to do whatever we wanted to. However, the freedom of speech has been challenged by many university students and educators recently. In their argument, they believe that free speech has triggered students’ unhappiness and jeopardize campus’ safety. What is the free speech or freedom of speech? According to dictionary, freedom of speech is the right of people to express their opinions publicly withoutRead MoreFree Speech Freedom Of Speech1689 Words  | 7 PagesBenjamin Franklin once said, â€Å"Without freedom of thought, there can be no such thing as wisdom; and no such thing as public liberty, without freedom of speech.†With this quote in mind, freedom of speech should surely be guaranteed right in a every institution. There are various forms of free speech to powerful speeches at a peaceful protest to a girl posting a selfie. Freedom of speech is the key concept that is ba sis of every human right. This inherent right should be protected and supported inRead MoreFree Speech Freedom Of Speech1180 Words  | 5 PagesFree speech shall not incite evil and hatred in this country. The First Amendment prevents the government from infringing upon our freedom of assembly and speech. â€Å"The disability is so complete that Congress is expressly forbidden to enact laws respecting an establishment of religion, or laws abridging the free exercise of religion, freedom of speech and press, and the right to petition the government†(Bybee). As a whole, our founding fathers only had good intentions with regards to First AmendmentRead MoreFree Speech Freedom Of Speech1786 Words  | 8 PagesIntroduction Freedom of speech is a right of every American that is protected under the First Amendment of the United States Constitution. This democratic freedom allows citizens to speak and express themselves freely. Public school teachers and students are also free to express themselves, however they can both be limited by school administration. The goal of this paper is to analyze free speech as defined by the First Amendment and discussed limitations placed on teachers and students by schoolsRead MoreFree Speech On Freedom Of Speech1929 Words  | 8 Pagesthe use of hate speech on college campuses. These limitations on free speech strike at the heart of law and justice within our society. To tolerate these restrictions sets dangerous precedents and unveils dangerous consequences. Speech codes that limit speech and expression beyond the limits of the first amendment are not justified because they harm society and the intellectual integrity of a university while failing to adequately suppor t those students victimized by hate speech. Colleges play anRead MoreFree Speech : Freedom Of Speech1889 Words  | 8 PagesFreedom of Speech The First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution protects freedom of speech among other valued standards. The First Amendment states that â€Å"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceable to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances†(U. S. Constitution). What does it mean by â€Å"Congress shall make no law†¦abridgingRead MoreFreedom Of Speech : Free Speech1296 Words  | 6 PagesFreedom Of Speech In 399 B.C, the Greek Philosopher Socrates was persecuted for an early argument promoting free speech. Later on, The Protection of Speech was first introduced when the Magna Carta was signed in 1215, and in 1948, the United Nations stated that free speech is a human right and drafted into the international Declaration of Human rights.The government doesn t have the right to make a law abridging the freedom of speech because Free Speech is a form of democracy and it s a fundamentalRead MoreFree Speech Freedom Of Speech886 Words  | 4 Pagesunlike any other. The issue? Free speech. Protesters from both sides of the the political spectrum are outraged. leftists claiming that free speech is â€Å"being used as a cover for spreading hate in America†, that people like the infamous Yiannopoulos (a conservative political commentator known for making offensive statements and supporting â€Å"white supremacy, transphobia, and misogyny†) are doing harm with their first amendme nt right, while conservatives are claiming free speech is being threatened by the
Thursday, May 14, 2020
The Vietnam Womens Memorial Foundation Essay - 583 Words
There is little official data on female Vietnam War veterans, because the military mostly favored recording the achievements of men in the army. The Vietnam Womens Memorial Foundation estimate that approximately 11,000 women were stationed in Vietnam from 1962 to 1973. Only about ten percent of women served as soldiers. The ones who did were normally treated as second class soldiers; their role was perceived only as a helpmate instead of a soldier, and they were often put in dangerous situations prior to having any proper military training. The other ninety percent of women served as military nurses, physicians, air traffic controllers, intelligence officers, and clerks. Some women who werent in the military served in Vietnam in the Red†¦show more content†¦Women nurses were medically trained, but not enough to deal with the injuries of the U.S. soldiers. Japanese artillery was able to inflict massive and multiple injuries. Napalm and phosphorous burned soldiers skin to the bone quickly. Helicopters were used to transport them to nearby hospitals, but most of them died en route. Besides fighting and healing, women boosted morale and cared for the male soldiers. However, young women were often outspoken by older ones, and were prone to sexual harassment during the war, and even at home after the war ended. Veterans who held dangerous jobs during the war were still regarded as donut dollies by other men. Even though female soldiers were ignored and disregarded most of the time, they had a significant impact in the war. Here is a reflection of the war by female soldier Terry Farish: Women in the N.V.A. and Viet Cong Women were a lot more respected on this side of the war compared to women in the United States. Women in Vietnam had the saying: When war comes, even women have to fight. The women who fought were the wives, mothers, sisters, and daughters of men who were recruited into military service. Because the war lasted so long, families often had women in different generations fighting alongside each other. Women learned to fire weapons, lay traps, serveShow MoreRelatedWomen During The War : The Silent Heroes1676 Words  | 7 Pagessent to Vietnam for various reasons. Approximately 90% of the women were nurses. Though most of the women were nurses a select few were there in all military branches. Even though these women were in the specific branches they never fought on the frontline. The WAC, Women s Army Cooperation, in 1970 had tw enty officers and one hundred and thirty enlisted women were sent to Vietnam. No members of the WAC died during the conflict. A total of eight American servicewomen died in Vietnam. OneRead MoreA Brief Note On The Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund ( Vvmf )1141 Words  | 5 PagesA war memorial is any physical object created, erected or installed to commemorate those involved in or affected by a war or conflict. These memorials are important because they act as historical touchstones. They link the past to the present and enable people to remember and respect the sacrifice of those who died, fought, participated or were affected by conflict. American casualties in Vietnam began in 1959 and ended with the evacuation of Saigon in 1975. Never officially designated a war,Read MoreThe Korean War And The War940 Words  | 4 Pagespeople do not recognize it like the Second World War, the Vietnam War or the Gulf War. This battle consisted of North Korea, South Korea and the United States. It was fought on sea, land and air. The Korean War was a clash between the Communist forces and the free world. Additionally, â€Å"the Korean War Veterans Memorial is located near the Lincoln Memorial on the National Mall in Washington, D.C. (Nurses in the Korean War). This memorial commemorates the sacrifices of the Americans who served inRead MoreEssay The Art of Maya Lin1593 Words  | 7 Pagesfellow artists, and won, at the young age of twenty-one. The contest was to design the Vietnam Veterans Memorial, in Washington,D.C. She did extensive research for the wall on subjects ranging from cultural memorials through out history to soldiers journals from World War I. The completion of the wall turned out to be her breaking moment in the world of art. After creating her visionary Vietnam Veterans Memorial she suffered much controversy and criticism. Many Veterans believed her simple blackRead MoreThe Vietnam War Of Vietnam1534 Words  | 7 Pages The Vietnam War began November 1st, 1955 and ended April 30th, 1975. It was a long costly war that involved North Vietnam and their Southern allies, known as Viet Cong, against South Vietnam and its main ally the United States. This war was very unpopular at home and would end with the withdrawal of the United States and the unification of Vietnam under communist control. Many think of war as something that just men are involved in but very rarely do people think of the role of women in the warRead MoreFrom Corsets and Crocheting to Kevlar and Combat: The Journey of a Female Soldier1728 Words  | 7 Pageswar changed into concentrating on the effectiveness of warfare as technology caused individuals to seek the trenches and use chemical weapons as means of destroying the enemy, to nuclear means of winning battles. Warfare changed even more so in the Vietnam War as a nation attempted to subdue unorganized subversive groups in a civilian environment. The merging between the civilian world and a military environment caused a presence to be needed in the civilian sphere to engage the unseen force. This interacti onRead MoreBusiness Law Final Essay2880 Words  | 12 PagesTitle Course Instructor Date Women’s Progression Through Employment and Labor Laws The United States of America is known as the land of the free and home of the brave. Americans are privileged to live in a society where there are laws created and continuously enforced to ensure the protection of the citizens’ rights. Law-breakers have consequences and punished for their wrongdoings and not obeying the law. The government is expected and challenged to practice equality in all decisionsRead MoreHistory Notes on Cuban Missile Crisis and Protest in America in the 1960s4816 Words  | 20 Pagesdiscrimination against African Americans. Some activists felt that the CRM did not go far enough and the Black Power Movement then arose. At the same time women began to demand equal rights and their was a widespread opposition to the American war in Vietnam which led to protests by students for international peace. The Civil Rights Movement and Black Power Movement in the USA. In the 1960’s, African American made up 10% of the population. Many of them did not have the same political rights as whiteRead More The Effects of Agent Orange on Veterans of the Vietnam War Essay5691 Words  | 23 Pageswas then South Vietnam, its effects are still felt in today’s society. It is hard not to find someone who’s life has not been affected because of this war. One of the most controversial decisions made in the war was to use chemicals to fight the enemy. The most boradly used chemiucal was called Agent Orange. Some people agreed with the use of Agent Orange. They saw it as a very viable weapon that needed to be used in order to keep the Communist from taking control of South Vietnam and subvertingRead MoreA Comparison Between Booker T. Washington (19th century) and Martin Luther King Jr. (20th century)5383 Words  | 22 PagesHistoric Site, established in 1974, includes Washingtons home, student-made college buildings, and the George Was hington Carver Museum. Though Washington offered little that was innovative in industrial education, which both northern philanthropic foundations and southern leaders were already promoting, he became its chief black exemplar and spokesman. In his advocacy of Tuskegee Institute and its educational method, Washington revealed the political adroitness and accommodationist philosophy that were
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Alexs Restaurant, an ethnography Essay - 2644 Words
Alexs Restaurant, an ethnography The Wiseguys (scene one): *These four old guys (definitely into their late sixties, early seventies) sell cars at one of the dealerships on the boulevard. I would bet fifty dollars that they all work for Cadillac. They come in once a week, on Friday afternoons. They love me. They like to give me a hard time, ask why I don’t love them anymore, when I’m going to run away with them, etc, etc. They are caricatures of car salesmen but are obviously unaware of this. They hold court in Eat Well like it’s 1965 at the Sands, talking in loud voices and telling stories about one another to each other. (â€Å"This guy here, one time he says to me, ‘Paulie’†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ) It has been suggested to me that perhaps these old†¦show more content†¦Customers are not technically obliged to treat me with deference, and this can result in difficult situations. Eat Well’s clientele is roughly 75% male, if not more, and although we have a lot of gay customers, our typical patron is a middle-aged, heterosexual, white, working-class male. The strangest thing is that the balance of power seems to shift, from myself to the customers and back again. Sometimes I feel violated or threatened when a customer is overtly ogling me, and other times it seems to enhance my power over them. These are palpable undercurrents that are difficult to put into words, but are quite clear both to the customers and myself. To hazard a guess, I’d say that the power shifts to me when the male customer in question is frank about his actions. When he seems comfortable acknowledging that he is, in fact, leering at me, the ball is in my court. He has, in a sense, conced ed his edge. However, when a man such as S (see next scene) comes in, I feel threatened, cornered, irritated. The unspoken and poorly concealed lechery is much more intimidating when an attempt is made to ignore or gloss over it. I am obliged to participate in the charade and this is the situation that I resent. Michele Rosaldo states, â€Å"This distiction between power and culturally legitimated authority, between the ability to gain compliance and the recognition that it is right, is crucial†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (p.21) In either situation, unfortunately, the balance of power is controlled byShow MoreRelatedStephen P. Robbins Timothy A. Judge (2011) Organizational Behaviour 15th Edition New Jersey: Prentice Hall393164 Words  | 1573 PagesAmerican Express recently turned Joan Weinbel’s worst nightmare into a nonevent. It was 10:00 p.m. Joan was home in New Jersey, packing for a weeklong trip, when she suddenly realized she had left her AmEx Gold card at a restaurant in New York City earlier in the evening. The restaurant was 30 miles away. She had a flight to catch at 7:30 the next morning, and she wanted her card for the trip. She called American Express. The phone was quickly answered by a courteous and helpful AmEx customer service
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Important Role of IT/Network Managers
Question: This project will introduce you to an important role of IT/Network Managers: To select an IP PBX solution for the new call center at a companys headquarters based on the evaluation of the companys needs and vendors' VoIP product features. The Chief Information Officer (CIO) would like an 8- to 10-page document (double-spaced, font size 12) that addresses the following tasks. After a numerical-matrix evaluation, select one solution from a list of vendors, containing features and capabilities to potentially meet your company's requirements. Justify your recommendation by writing an analysis that supports such a selection based on an overall evaluation of the product and the benefits it will bring to the company. Answer: Introduction This will introduce the document for the readers. It will provide the readers with enough information to quickly glance what the document is all about, its different sections and what the readers can get out of it. Background This section will provide information about the company for the intended audience. It will contain a brief overview of the company. It will include information about the different departments of the company, key processes, statistics, client demographics among others. Apart from this, it will also provide information about people who will be using the given system. This section furthermore will have three different sub-sections i.e., the purpose for which the given system will be needed. It will also possess information about the existing solutions already implemented in the company as well as provide the reader with enough reasons as to why the existing solution fails to meet the requirements posed by the company. Purpose This section will give a brief overview of why does the company needs such a system. It will also include information regarding how does the company uses or will use such a system. Existing Solution If the company already has a system in place, then its description will be given here. It will include brief information on the existing solution, its features, usecases and technical aspects. It will also include information regarding how is the system used. Reasons This will provide details regarding why the above solution fails to satisfy the needs of the company. It will be brief but include all the relevant details regarding the ineffectiveness of the existing solution. Requirements This section will be based upon and continuation of three sub-sections given in the background i.e., purpose of the system, the existing solutions and the reasons why it fails to satisfy the needs of the company. It will present requirements and expectations of the company from the new system. It will include the following information but not limited to it such as the experience and connectivity expected out of the system, the experience of the company, platform support, the size of the business it can support, connectivity to legacy systems, multimedia support, email, chat and voice mail support, then IVR, outbound dial, CTI integration, browsing support, integration with popular CRM systems and must also have a suitable pricing. Current Offerings This section will provide a brief information about the current offerings in the market. It will list down some of the most popular enterprise solutions for IP PBX. It will also have two different sub-sections that will present a brief industry scenario and system analysis for the recommended solutions. Industry Scenario In this section, an industry overview will be given regarding the IP PBX solutions. It will also present latest developments, trends and some best practices regarding the same. System Analysis This section will provide an analysis of the systems which have been narrowed down based on a numerical matrix evaluation. Recommendations This will be the last section of the document. Based on the numerical matrix evaluation done earlier, this section will provide the recommendation of the final choice. It will also present features and benefits of the final choice as well as the improvements it will bring to the company.
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