Friday, December 27, 2019
The Benefits of the Use of the Computers in the Environment
THE BENEFITS OF THE USE OF THE COMPUTERS IN THE ENVIRONMENT The influence of computers is universal. Computers are used in applications ranging from running a farm to monitoring all environmental effects. Because the development of computers has been largely the work of scientists, it is natural that a large body of computer applications serves the scientist and the field of science. Computers have not only helped in increasing awareness amongst the environmental issues, but have also made the research and the development of various diagnostic and prevention methods, easy and cost effective. Environmental pollution can take many forms. However, its impact on our everyday lives is always undesirable and the end results can be potentially†¦show more content†¦By pairing hyper spectral reflectance data with water quality data, we propose to develop a technique to predict toxin concentrations. But remote sensing can also be performed without the use of satellites. For example the wireless sensor technology developed through a partnership between the University of California, Berkeley, and the Intel Research Berkeley laboratory. The researchers developed miniaturized sensors, or motes as they are called, and installed them on the nearby Great Duck Island. Each device, slightly bigger than the two AA batteries powering it, is now beaming back raw data about the conditions in the burrows and the islands microclimate. All this data are available to the biologist on-line through a web-site. This way the environmental scientists can observe the animals in their natural environment without interfering. Furthermore computers have another very important use in the environmental science. Mathematical modelling and computer simulation provide indispensable tools to determine, as accurately as possible, levels at which pollution should be reduced. Three-dimensional environmental models describe emissions, transport in flow fields, and reactions of chemical and biochemical constituents. When attempting to reduce pollution, it is necessary to determine critical levels and to develop measures against pollutions as accurately as possible, so as to minimize the costs ofShow MoreRelatedIn The Computing World, Advancements Are The Order Of The1508 Words  | 7 PagesVirtual machine environments came in as a savior to such issues. With a virtual machine environment, the computing world has never been made any better. In fact, the future of computing looks bright. This article explores the use of virtual machine environments and the relation with software with a look into the future of computing. A virtual machine environment is an application environment that is installed in computers to allow it to imitate a particularly dedicated environment. 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Technology should be integrated in the SAISD classroom for daily use. One problem that is faced by the teachers is that they do not know how to use the technology available to them and they are afraid. For example, in â€Å"One teachers odyssey through resistance and fear,†Mary, a social studies teacher discusses her fear and she frequently voiced her concerns over her disinterest and inability to learn and use technology, punctuating her commentsRead More Business Proposal for Library at the Exton Campus of Delaware County Community College1294 Words  | 6 PagesCurrent Environment.2 Proposed Environment...3 Diagram.4 Benefits.6 Business Requirements and Cost Analysis...8 Conclusion9 BACKGROUND I am proposing for a library to be put into the Exton campus of Delaware County Community College. There is currently not a library at this location. 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Thursday, December 19, 2019
Student Loan Debt Of The United States - 2295 Words
Student loan debt in the United States is expanding unrestricted each year. There are 36 million Americans today, holding over $740 billion dollars in student loan debt. (U.S. 2013) The current student loan system is intended to open doors to economic prosperity for those who could not otherwise afford to go to college. Research suggests that the unintended consequence of too much available student credit is real people losing prosperity and languishing in debt for extended periods of their lives. Reducing or eliminating the availability of student loans would have a tremendous impact on improving the lives of Americans. If things continue the way they are now, American’s will soon find college, and its implied ticket to economic†¦show more content†¦Therefore, banks would not deem students worthy of very large loans, as there would be no basis for the bank to assess the risk of default. So the Government set up rules for itself. It created a system that student s could get tremendous sums of money in loans. The Government then created laws that the student could never clear the loans through bankruptcy. This is important; students who cannot clear the loan will remain in debt forever until it is paid back. The National Center for Public Policy did a report that â€Å"suggest that there are some significant, negative, and lasting consequences of the current system of financing higher education in the United States, particularly for students from lower-income and lower-middle income families.†(Gladieux and Perna, n.d., 25) These consequences are seldom understood by the consumer until it is much too late. Most borrowers have no history or pretext with credit to understand the large sums of money they are accumulating in debt. So they have no way to fully realize how long it will take to repay a loan. The young student often does not understand how the interest on the loan can make a small loan grow if the student cannot repay th e loan or has deferred payments. Worse yet, today’s students have no guarantee they will have economic prosperity to repay a loan. The students hardest hit by student loans are in fact the ones that never graduate.Show MoreRelatedStudent Loan Debt Of The United States1746 Words  | 7 Pagesother countries, student loan debt in the United States is skyrocketing due to over-inflated tuition costs, dismal grant/scholarships availability and lack of beneficial repayment programs. Body Student loans are becoming an increasingly heavy burden for their borrowers in the United States. In a personal interview conducted on October 20th, 2015, a close personal friend, Cory Hays, and the sister of the author, Melissa Korpela, were interviewed regarding their student loan debts and status of re-paymentRead MoreThe Student Loan Debt For The United States1554 Words  | 7 Pages2010 that outstanding student loan in the United States exceeded that of outstanding credit card debt for the first time ever (Kristof, 2012). As of today, there is over $1.2 trillion in outstanding student loan debt, $1 trillion of which is in the form of federal student loans (Denhart, 2013). The Student Loan Forgiveness Act of 2012 was designed to ease some of that burden and mitigate some of the real damage incurred by a lifetime of insurmountable debt. The Student Loan Forgiveness Act of 2012Read MoreStudent Loan Debt Is A Negative Effect On The Future1349 Words  | 6 PagesAfter the United States ‘Great Recession’ in 2008, many onlookers have been searching for other aspects of the economy that may eventually present a bubble similar to that of the housing market. It does not take long to locate a potential hazard as the cost of tuition has risen approximately 26% over the course of the last decade (‘Tuition and Fees’). The consequence of this increased tuition is having a negative effect on the future that most graduates try to obtain once they complete school. SomeRead MoreStudent Debt Is A Form Of Debt1576 Words  | 7 PagesStudent debt is a form of debt that owed by an attending, withdrawn, or graduated student to a lending institution. The lending is often of a student loan, but debts will be owed to the school if the student has dropped classes and withdrawn from the school. Withdrawing from a school, especially if a low or no-income student has withdrawn with a failing grade could deprive the student of the ability of further attendance by disqualifying the student of necessary financial aid. Student loans alsoRead MoreThe Cultural And Global Impact Of College Tuition And Student Loan Debt1442 Words  | 6 PagesThe Cultural and Global Impact of College Tuition and Student Loan Debt Introduction College debt is quickly rising as more students pursue a postsecondary education. Tuition is growing at a rate higher than inflation, thus forcing many students to make up the gap between income and tuition through loans (Houle). However, cultural factors must be considered before a young adult makes a decision about higher education. The type of postsecondary education one pursues, if any, is determined by manyRead MoreA College Student Debt Problem1595 Words  | 7 Pagesdifferent kinds of loans that students can obtain to help them continue their education. Being able to expand their education so easily can come with a hefty price. Students come out of college with student debt up past their ears, and so many students have trouble paying those loans back because of the amount of loans and the number of payments that people have to make can rip their financial future apart. If more students had more options to help them avoid, minimize, and erase college debt this countryRead Mo reEducation : A Way Of A Better Life?1615 Words  | 7 Pagesan education is that it costs money, and one of the main ways to pay for a higher education in the United States is to take out student loans. Although student loans can be helpful in getting an education they can also be very burdening. Even as student debt is being seen as harmful to several individuals, there are people in the world that are benefitting from the acquiring of this unique type of debt. The sad reality that we live in is that not everyone in this world is educated. Though there areRead MoreStudent Loan Debt: Is it worth it?1364 Words  | 6 PagesStudent Loan Debt: Is it worth it?            Many high school students are beginning their senior year and have already started to stress about how they will pay for their higher education. Although many students will have scholarships and financial aid, a lot more will struggle to pay for schooling and will have to take out multiple student loans. Many people wonder if higher education is worth the debt the country and the students are in and it is, however, there are alternatives.            Read MoreThe Average Cost Of Tuition1684 Words  | 7 Pageswill pay their substantial student loans. While seventy percent of college students are forced to take out student loans there’s no question the majority of graduates will be paying for their education over a long period of their life. Student loan debt is also at an all time high in the United States, with a staggering $1.4 trillion dollars of debt solely for student loans. Current presidential candidates are campaigning to lower college tuition and student loan debt, while others are campaigningRead MoreFinancing For Loan And Debt Crisis1269 Words  | 6 Pagesconsumer debt was $11.52 trillion, and of that, student loans account for $1.08 trillion and that number is growing larger and larger every year (Hiltonsmith, Robert). A large portion of the population undoubtedly feels the burden of these statistics. Seven out of every ten college seniors has reported having t o take out one or multiple student loans so that they can to afford to go to college (Hiltonsmith, Robert). The results of this outstanding amount of debt does not just affect the United States
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Campare Sonnet free essay sample
Shall I compare you to a summers day? Thou art more lovely and more temperate:| You are more lovely and more constant:| Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May,| Rough winds shake the beloved buds of May| And summers lease hath all too short a date: | And summer is far too short:| Sometime too hot the eye of heaven shines,| At times the sun is too hot,| And often is his gold complexion dimmd; | Or often goes behind the clouds;| And every fair from fair sometime declines,| And everything beautiful sometime will lose its beauty, By chance or natures changing course untrimmd;| By misfortune or by natures planned out course. But thy eternal summer shall not fade | But your youth shall not fade,| Nor lose possession of that fair thou owest;| Nor will you lose the beauty that you possess;| Nor shall Death brag thou wanderst in his shade,| Nor will death claim you for his own,| When in eternal lines to time thou growest:| Because in my eternal verse you will live forever. We will write a custom essay sample on Campare Sonnet or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page | So long as men can breathe or eyes can see,| So long as there are people on this earth,| So long lives this and this gives life to thee. So long will this poem live on, making you immortal| My mistress eyes are nothing like the sun;| My mistresss eyes are nothing like the sun;| Coral is far more red than her lips red;| Coral is far more red than her lips;| If snow be white, why then her breasts are dun; | If snow is white, then her breasts are a brownish gray;| If hairs be wires, black wires grow on her head. | If hairs are like wires, hers are black and not golden. I have seen roses damaskd, red and white,| I have seen damask roses, red and white [streaked],| But no such roses see I in her cheeks; | But I do not see such colors in her cheeks;| And in some perfumes is there more delight | And some perfumes give more delight| Than in the breath that from my mistress reeks. | Than the horrid breath of my mistress. | I love to hear her speak, yet well I know | I love to hear her speak, but I know| That music hath a far more pleasing sound;| That music has a more pleasing sound. I grant I never saw a goddess go;| Ive never seen a goddess walk;| My mistress, when she walks, treads on the ground:| But I know that my mistress walks only on the ground. | And yet, by heaven, I think my love as rare | And yet I think my love as rare| As any she belied with false compare. | As any woman who has been misrepresented by | The sonnet 18 is a Shakespeare’s early love poem which is about affection of a young man to his beloved. It starts with the genuine question, â€Å"shall I compare thee to a summer’s day? †The speaker is thinking about his lover’s beauty rather than putting her poem in a conventional love poem formula. Then, he points out her lover’s beauty was more beautiful and constant than a summer day; her beauty was eternal and would be preserved in the lines of this poem. However, Sonnet 130 is a more convincing love poem because it is more descriptive and realistic in depicting his lover which shows that his love is more sincere and everlasting. Sonnet 18 is about the feeling of perfection of his lover’s beauty while sonnet 130 is about the real appearances of her mistress. In sonnet 18 the speaker says, â€Å"Shall I compare thee to a summers day? Thou art more lovely and more temperate:†Although summer is pleasant season, the speaker never talks about how his lover is like a summer day nor how she was more lovely. He did not give life to his lover because we can use this poem to mostly every woman in the world; he does not specifically describe his lover. In sonnet 130, the speaker explicit states what his mistress looks like. The speaker says, â€Å"My mistress eyes are nothing like the sun;/Coral is far more red than her lips red;/If snow be white, why then her breasts are dun; /If hairs be wires, black wires grow on her head. It explicitly describes his lover in an honest way. Although love poems often use sun, snow and beautiful objects to praise the beauty of their subject, realistic love is not about an idealized sense of beauty. A person cannot love another one simply because they are physically beautiful. We think that the women with red lips, white skin and gold hair are beautiful, but does it mean the women that having â€Å"not so†red lips, brownish skin, and black hair are not beautiful? Beauty is subjective. When people love someone, they would define beauty by his/her st andard. By describing in detail of his lover’s appearance, the speaker of sonnet 130 really know his lover. Love is not only about the feeling of a warm sunny summer day, but know a person as a distinguish individual. Sonnet 130 make his lover feel special and superior because the speaker pay quite attention to her actual appearance, and honestly writes it down in a poem. It also gives her the sense of security because she knows he loves her for who she is and she does not need to pretend to be a perfect figure nor be an everlasting summer day. Sonnet 130 ses reality to prove the speakers love while sonnet 18 uses exaggeration. Sonnet 18 illustrates only the speaker’s love for his beloved’s beauty while in sonnet 130 illustrates more sincere love for her mistress even though she is not perfect. In sonnet 18, the speaker claim his lover was eternal by saying, â€Å"By chance or natures changing course untrimmd;/But thy eternal summer shall not fade /Nor lose possession o f that fair thou owest;/ Nor shall Death brag thou wanderst in his shade,†The speaker praise that her beauty stronger than the nature. Although the speaker values her beauty greatly and even believed her is beauty has the power to overturn the nature, it is only his wish and imagination that her beauty would not change. It will not be convincing to a woman since they consciously know that appearance will change. His lover will feel that the speaker only focuses on her beauty, but not anything else. In sonnet 130, the speaker states, â€Å"I love to hear her speak†. The speaker loves her thinking, her opinions and her intellects. The speaker values her thought which is not very common even in current society. Relationship is about equality and respect. Many men treat women as an object that has nothing inside. Even in sonnet 18, the speaker compares his lover as an eternal summer which also an object. Then, the speaker says, â€Å"I grant I never saw a goddess go;/My mistress, when she walks, treads on the ground:†. The speaker wants to compare his mistress with a goddess as many sonnets do, but he admits that he never saw one. It mocks that other poets are dishonest which compare their lover to a figure they never see. He emphasized the word â€Å"my mistress†which shows that he takes pride that this woman is his mistress as while as the ways his mistress is like. He shows that this poem is about her mistress but not anybody else, not even goddess can compare with his mistress. He cares only his mistress which makes her even superior to a goddess. He shows that although her mistress is not an immortal figure, but her mistress is special for him. Then, speaker of sonnet 130 transits his understanding of her mistress to his confession of love while in sonnet 18, the speaker transits his lover’s beauty to mortality. The speaker of sonnet 18 uses poetry to eternalize his lover while in sonnet 130, the speaker shows that his love for her is eternal. In the end of sonnet 18, the speaker says, â€Å"So long as men can breathe or eyes can see, /So long lives this and this gives life to thee†. The life of the subject will be an endless summer, but only because the speaker has immortalized her in this poem, and only if people continue to read these verses. It makes the readers feel that the poem itself is greater than the subject. The poem builds up this subject with eternal beauty and the subject only lives in the poem. However, this poem is for a living woman, and she is not living by her beauty or by the poem. Every woman knows this poem cannot real give immorality to them because the readers do not even know who the subject is. Not only the woman reading this poem cannot relate herself to this poem, buy she also will feel the speaker’s love is unrealistic and superficial and will not last long. In contract, in sonnet 130, the speaker claims that â€Å"And yet, by heaven, I think my love as rare†. His claim is convincing because in previous lines, he honestly depict his mistress and we expect he is honest when he says that he loves her. Furthermore, if his love for her is not because she is idealized beautiful since she is not, then he must love her because of her which we define as true love. His love would not fate with changing of appearance or time. His mistress would feel that she has the speaker’s heart forever. Sonnet 130 well proved the speaker’s love for her mistress; his love is about understanding and respect; his love is strong and everlasting. In contrast, sonnet 18 is more about the speaker’s passion to his lover’s beauty than his love for her as a whole individual. Many people say romantic love would last long. It is because that when people know each other well, their flaws would appear, and they are intolerance to these flaws. They would try everything to change each other to the way they want, but they most likely fail. Everyone is difference and not perfect, so when people love someone, they should acceptance their flaws.
Tuesday, December 3, 2019
Iq Tests Essays (686 words) - Intelligence, Psychometrics
Iq Tests Why IQ tests do not test intelligence The task of trying to quantify a persons intelligence has been a goal of psychologists since before the beginning of this century. The Binet-Simon scales were first proposed in 1905 in Paris, France and various sorts of tests have been evolving ever since. One of the important questions that always comes up regarding these tools is what are the tests really measuring? Are they measuring a persons intelligence? Their ability to perform well on standardized tests? Or just some arbitrary quantity of the persons IQ? When examining the situations around which these tests are given and the content of the tests themselves, it becomes apparent that however useful the tests may be for standardizing a groups intellectual ability, they are not a good indicator of intelligence. To issue a truly standardized test, the testing environment should be the same for everyone involved. If anything has been learned from the psychology of perception, it is clear that a persons environment has a great deal to do with their cognitive abilities. Is the light flickering? Is the paint on the walls an unsettling shade? Is the temperature too hot or too cold? Is the chair uncomfortable? Or in the worst case, do they have an illness that day? To test a persons mind, it is necessary to utilize their body in the process. If everyones body is placed in different conditions during the testing, how is it expected to get standardized results across all the subjects? Because of this assumption that everyone will perform equally independent of their environment, intelligence test scores are skewed and cannot be viewed as standardized, and definitely not as an example of a persons intelligence. It is obvious that a persons intelligence stems from a variety of traits. A few of these that are often tested are reading comprehension, vocabulary, and spatial relations But this is not all that goes into it. What about physical intelligence, conversational intelligence, social intelligence, survival intelligence, and the slew of others that go into everyday life? Why are these important traits not figured into intelligence tests? Granted, normal standardized tests certainly get predictable results where academics are concerned, but they should not be considered good indicators of general intelligence because of the glaring omissions they make in the testing process. To really gauge a persons intelligence, it would be necessary to put them through a rigorous set of real-life trials and document their performance. Otherwise the standardized IQ tests of today are testing an extremely limited quality of a persons character that can hardly be referred to as intelligence. For the sake of brevity, I will quickly mention a few other common criticisms of modern IQ tests. They have no way to compensate for cultural differences. People use different methods to solve problems. Peoples reading strategies differ. Speed is not always the best way to tackle a problem. There is often too much emphasis placed on vocabulary. Each of these points warrants individual treatment, and for more information refer to The Triarchic Mind by RJ Sternberg (Penguin Books, 1988, p18-36). It is possible to classify all the reasons that IQ tests fail at their task into two main groups. The first grouping is where the tests assume too much. Examples of this flaw are the assumption that speed is always good, vocabulary is a good indicator of intelligence, and that different test taking environments wont affect the outcome. The second grouping comes because the tests gauge the wrong items. Examples of this are different culture groups being asked to take the same tests as everyone else, and the fact that the tests ignore so many types of intelligence (like physical, social, etc). These two groupings illustrate where the major failings of popular IQ tests occur and can be used as tools for judging others. IQ tests are not good indicators for a persons overall intelligence, but as their use has shown, they are extremely helpful in making predictions about how a person will perform in an academic setting. Perhaps the problem comes in the name intelligence tests when it is obvious this is not what they really are. The modern IQ test definitely has its applications in todays society but should be be used to quantify a persons overall intelligence by any means. Science
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