Monday, September 30, 2019
Comparing the Republic to the Modern Society Essay
The relevance of The Republic to our modern society In Plato’s The Republic, Plato illustrates what his ideal city would look like. He describes the educational systems, ideal legislators and the purposes of democracy. The republic influenced many people to understand the purpose for democracy, and it led to new philosophical schools of thought. Although this work was written hundreds of years ago, it still affects our modern world today. One of the most important things that Plato stresses is the importance of education. Without education of the masses, democracy would cease to exist. When Plato was forming his ideal society, he stressed the importance of education for several reasons. Most importantly, educating citizens led to a peaceful, well-run republic. For Plato, education was not about information intake and data storage. Rather, education was drawing out the knowledge that was already in the student. He said that â€Å"the power and capacity of learning exists in the soul already†He gives an allegory of prisoners in a cave, who have never seen light before. They become free, come out of the cave and see the light. They understand that the shadows are just reflections of real things; they are not the real things themselves. They ascend up to a mountain and see the world for what it really is. Plato uses this story to illustrate what education does for the human soul. We are all born in a dark cave, chained to a wall and cannot see the light. We still around all day looking at shadows, which appear to be so real to us. Education breaks the chains of ignorance. We can ascend to the top of the mountain and look out onto the beautiful world. According to Plato, after the prisoners’ ascend all the way to the top of the mountain, â€Å"they must be made to descend again among the prisoners’ in the den and partake in labors and honors, whether worth having or not. †Plato notes that once a person is educated and has received knowledge and truth, they should go back and teach those who do not know. This still relevant today because we need to not be so focused on how high we climb up the ladder, but we need to be concerned with how we help others achieve their goals. This allegory is also used to describe justice. The prisoners’ in the cave do not know what real justice looks like. The people on the mountain tops must come down and give understanding to those who are lacking it. Plato goes on to describe the type of leader that would be perfect to run the ideal city. The type of leader that Plato describes is someone who is â€Å"wisest about the affairs of the state, and by whom the state is best administered and who at the same time have other honors and a better life then that of politics. â€Å" The ideal leader in Plato’s time is not much different from the ideal leader in our time period. We still want someone who knows and understands the problems of the state or country, who will be a good leader, and will be able to put the welfare of his people before his own. These characteristics are still what many people look for in a dependable leader. Plato describes that a good leader should not be caught up in their own wealth, they should care about their people. This is a very foundational idea that is still important in America today. We desire to have a leader who will be humble and care for us, instead of one that has a hidden agenda. According to Plato, economic self-interest and political power must be kept separate and not be allowed to work in combination to the disadvantage of the state. In mapping out his utopian society, Plato stresses the importance of democracy. In a short piece called democracy considered, Plato talks about how oligarchies decay into democracies and democracies decay into tyranny. Tyranny is formed from pursing one’s pleasures and appetites. Plato claims that â€Å"a man who is deranged and not right in his mind will fancy that he is able to rule, not only over men, but also over gods â€Å"He describes here that a man can not be a leader if he is deranged and thinks that he is the center of the universe. Plato then shows how democracy and tyranny differ. In describing the differences, Glacon says â€Å"They are the opposite extremes for one is the very best and the other is the very worst. †The republic shows many similarities to today’s society. We still have many of the same ideals in education and in government. This piece of work was criticized at the time it was written by is now honored and very influential. It was one of the first writings that began western thinking and formed many new beliefs that influenced the renaissance.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Promote from Within and Hiring Form Outside Essay
Introduction In my opinion based on the case study, it is not justified in appointing Mike Ullman, an outsider as CEO instead of Jessica Robert, who was instrumental in turning around the company between 2005 and 2010. The reason I disagree is because promoting from within brings a lot of benefits to employees and organization. I individually support promoting from within and I think that promoting from within is definitely more justified than bringing in an outsider. Research shows that insider and outsider both has different benefits and loss and it is depends on the managerial decision. Different management has different view towards insider and outsider. I have choose to support promoting from within in this assessment is because that the research make me believe that promoting from within can increase productivity and employees satisfaction. I have provides three strong reason to support my personal view. Question 1 The first reason of promoting from within is good for morale. When the top management is decided to promote from within, the others employees are often very pleased because they think that â€Å"one of their own†has been promoted to a management-level position and makes them feel nothing is impossible. (David G. Javitch., 2005) The morale of employees will improve when they realize that every one of them is possible to be promoted and this usually leads to increase motivation of employees. Since Jessica Robert was instrumental in turning around the company, the others employees will think that it is justified to promote Jessica Robert. The others employee has witness her hardworking in turning around the company and they do not have any objection in promoting Jessica Robert. If the company promotes Jessica Robert, the morale of employees will definitely boost because they think that it is possible to happen on their own too. When morale and motivation goes up, the productivity and the efficiency of the company will increase especially when the employees like or respect the newly promoted individual because they are already used to the way that work together with the newly promoted individual. (Charles R. Knoeber., 2001) Motivation is playing an important role within an organization because in increased of motivation often leads to increased of employee satisfaction. In case, Jessica Robert has joined the organization as the COO at 2005 and she was made a turnover for the company. Her succession is all seen by the others employee in the organization and she became a very respective person in the company. If the company promotes Jessica Robert as CEO, the motivation of others employee will definitely increase because most of the employees are respect her and they have been working together quite a long time thus, they are already used to the way Jessica Robert work. Second reason is an internal candidate is most likely already familiar with the functional aspects of their new job because he used to an employee in the organization. (DR. David G. Javitch., 2005) Jessica Robert He joined the company at 2005 and she is very familiar with all the process and the system in the particular organization and she don’t have to spend times to get used to the new environment, people, and the job scope. She knows the corporate culture, the procedures, policies, processes, employees, and internal and external customers associated with the job. (DR. David G. Javitch., 2005) Therefore, by promoting she can definitely increase the effectiveness of the company because she can generally hit the ground running. She can work more effectively than an outsider and increase the productivity. She can also lead the team to achieve goals easier than an outsider because she probably already familiar with every employee’s ability and behavior. (Mobb. S., 2010) A final reason to promote from within is that the current employee is already a â€Å"known quantity†to both management and non-management. Both groups know the employee’s strengths and limitations in terms of technical skills, abilities, knowledge bases, and professional personality. (DR. David G. Javitch., 2005) Internal candidate is recognized by both group and they may find easy and feel satisfy to work together with the person who they used to familiar with. Promoting Jessica Robert is actually benefits to the company because both management and non- management know her ability and strength. Her succession on turning around the company has proved her ability and she is definitely qualified to be the CEO of the company. Besides that, she is not longer requires any or as much training as employees from outside the company because she are familiar with at least the general workings of the business. (G. Raheja.C., 2010) Question 2 Advantages of promoting from within The first advantage of promoting from within is benefits on both sides. An organization that promotes from within has the opportunity to identify the characteristics, qualifications and skills it wants to be the suitable leader. (Greenwood, B., n. d) This will benefit the employees, who have a clear understanding of expectation. It is also benefits the organization because by promoting from within, it actually gives the top management a chance to evaluate staff carefully before making a recommendation for a promotion. In the process of evaluation the employees, the top management may discovered the skill and ability of each different employees and make a further promotion or changes. (Mobb. S., 2010) The other advantage is good relationships. (Greenwood, B., n. d) They have a solid network of collegial relationships within the organization because they used to an employee of the organization. The employees are willing to mentoring by him because he probably has build up a very good relationship within them. The top management is also relieved on him because his ability and skill has been recognized. Employees who are promoted from within are more likely to have a good understanding of the organization, its history and core values as well as the culture of the organization. They do not have to spend much time for extra training and they know the way to manage the organization and the way to help organization to earn profit. (Moobs.S., 2010) Disadvantages of promoting from within The first disadvantage is competition among staff. Promoting from within can lead to competitiveness among staff members vying for the same position. When one person is promoted, bad feelings can result in the people left behind. (Agadoni, L., n. d) This can lead to dissatisfaction at work, poor work performance and de-motivated the employees. Some employees may have felt entitled to a promotion even if they are not qualified, simply because they have put in more time and effort to the company. If length of service were the only criterion for promotion, people could be promoted to a job they can’t perform, which could lead to them being fired and reduce the effectiveness of company. The other disadvantage is smaller pool. The top managements have fewer options to fill a spot when they look for promotion only within the organization. (Agadoni, L., n. d) In addition, an insider of the company might not have the right skills needed to perform a job above their current level. They would need training and experience to accomplish the new tasks as expected, whereas outside talent might already possess the needed skills and different kind of experience. It will definitely reduce the organization’s efficiency when training is necessary for the new promote because re-training takes a lot of times and cost. (R. Knoeber. C., 2003) Advantages of bringing in from outside The first advantage of bringing in from outside is be able to achieving clarity on what the situation really is right now both internal to the company and externally. Most of the times, an outsider can see things in different angle and with precisely because they have different experience and they are new in the organization. (Constance Dierickx., n. d) They sometimes bring a point of view that is clear for that very reason. This different lens and frame of reference is exactly why an outsider is valuable and also what most organization is looking for. The second advantage is calibration. Most of the insider of the organization who are appropriately trying to inform the leader but who do not have an independent point of view and who may be stuck in routine ways of reporting. They are often follows the leader’s point of view and they do not have their own experience in certain sector. An outsider first in the organization, he may bring a breadth of different experience from having worked at different of companies in multiple countries on multiple continents as well as different industries. (Constance Dierickx., n. d) An outsider can ask questions that are different, share what he has observed and lead the members to achieve organizational goal. They can challenge their own assumptions as well as the veracity of the information they may hold dear because they have different of resources comes in different way. Disadvantages of bringing in from outside The disadvantage of bringing in from outside is learning curve. It takes time to follow up to speed on a new job, and learning about the corporate culture. (Lisa McQuerrey., n. d) This is especially true when the new outside manager wish to radically change the management style that previously was in place. Not only does the manager need time to be acquainted with the changes and its employees also need to come to an understanding of how the new promoted operates and what performance expectations he brings to the table. The second disadvantage functional expertise of the outsider. Unless the top management has witnessed the outsider at work in his/her field of expertise, otherwise there is no way of knowing whether the outsider’s functional expertise is meets the organization’s standards. (Mayhew.R., n. d) The technical skills or clinical experience of an outsider might not fit the organization’s requirement as well as the job scope. In addition, most of the organization does not take long time for employers during the recruitment and selection process and the employer should always ready to pay risk for incompetency recruitment. (Richards Brigg. B., n. d) Impact of promoting from within on the morale of employees The impact of promoting from within can improve the morale of employees due to great communication. An organization actually has many levels of communication such as from management to employees, between departments, between management groups and between individual employees. To maintain morale, communication lines need to remain open and important information needs to be delivered in a timely fashion. (Anderson. A., n. d) According to Anderson. A, laying off employees usually has a negative impact on morale, but allowing employees that are not scheduled to be laid off to believe that they could damage morale even further. A communication must be build within an organization, a leader who are promoted from within is actually be able to do that because they have been worked for a long time in an organization and good relationship could be build within employees as well as management group. Impact of bringing in outside on the morale of employees The impact of bringing in outside is affect the morale of employees because of the changes in management. Employees can become accustomed to the practices and methods of a particular manager, and when there is a change in management that can have an effect on morale. (Anderson. A., n. d) When an outsider bringing in, he might change the management of the organization and this will affect the morale of employees because most of them are not comfortable with the change and it may takes time for them to acquainted. (Lisa McQuerrey., n. d) Referencing Charles R. Knoeber. (2001) CEO Succession: Handicapping and the Choice between Insiders and Outsiders. [Online] Available at: [Accessed: 14 Jan 2013] Agrawa. A. (2004) Are outsiders handicapped in CEO successions? [Online] Available at: [Accessed: 14 Jan 2013] Briggs, B. (2007) Problems of recruitment in civil service: case of the Nigerian civil service. African Journal of Business Management, Vol 1 (6), p. 142-153. Available at: [Accessed: 19 Jan 2013]. Mobb. S. (2010) Internal Managerial Promotions: Incentives, CEO Influence, and Firm Valuation. [Online] Available at: [Accessed: 15 Jan 2013] G. JAVITCH. David. (2005) Selecting the Best Manager. [Online] Available at: [Accessed: 15 Jan 2013] Greenwood. B (n. d) The Advantages of Promotion From Within. [Online] Available at: [Accessed: 17 Jan 2013] Laura Agadoni (n. d) business and entrepreneurship. [Online] Available at: [Accessed: 17 Jan 2013] Mayhew. R. (n. d) Disadvantages of hiring an outside supervisor. [Online] Available at: [Accessed: 20 Jan 2013] Dierickx. C. (n. d) Benefits of hiring an outside consultant. [Online] Available at: [Accessed: 20 Jan 2013] Anderson. A. (n. d) What impact morale in organization? [Online] Available at: [Accessed: 20 Jan 2013]
Saturday, September 28, 2019
A study of the background of the Montgomery bus boycott by Bernard law as a way of resisting apartheid and racial bias in the United States
A study of the background of the Montgomery bus boycott by Bernard law as a way of resisting apartheid and racial bias in the United States Sparked through the arrest of Rosa parks on 1 December 1955, the Bernard Law Montgomery bus boycott became a thirteen-month mass protest that ended with the U.S. Excellent court docket ruling that segregation on public buses is unconstitutional. The Sir Bernard Law development association (MIA) coordinated the boycott, and its president, martin Luther king, Jr., became an outstanding civil rights chief as global interest focused on Bernard Law Montgomery. The bus boycott validated the capability for nonviolent mass protest to efficaciously undertaking racial segregation and served as an instance for other southern campaigns that followed. In stride in the direction of freedom, king’s 1958 memoir of the boycott, he declared the real that means of the Montgomery bus boycott to be the electricity of a developing self-appreciate to animate the battle for civil rights. The roots of the bus boycott started out years earlier than the arrest of Rosa parks. The women’s’ political council (WPC), a collection of black experts based in 1946, had already became their attention to Jim Crow practices on the Montgomery town buses. In a meeting with mayor w. A. Gayle in march 1954, the councils participants outlined the changes they sought for Montgomery’s bus machine: no person status over empty seats; a decree that black individuals no longer be made to pay at the front of the bus and input from the rear; and a coverage that might require buses to forestall at every corner in black residential areas, as they did in white groups. When the meeting didnt produce any meaningful change, WPC president Jo Ann Robinson reiterated the council’s requests in a 21 might also letter to mayor Gayle, telling him, ‘‘there has been communicate from twenty-five or more nearby agencies of planning a metropolis-extensive boycott of busse s’’(‘‘a letter from the girls’ political council’’)7. A year after the WPC’s assembly with mayor Gayle, a fifteen-year-old named Claudette Colvin changed into arrested for challenging segregation on a 1st viscount Montgomery of Alamein bus. Seven months later, 18-year-vintage Mary Louise smith become arrested for refusing to yield her seat to a white passenger. Neither arrest, but, mobilized Sir Bernard Law’s black network like that of Rosa parks later that year3. King recalled in his memoir that ‘‘Mrs. Parks become best for the position assigned to her through history,’’ and because ‘‘her individual was impeccable and her determination deep-rooted’’ she become ‘‘one of the most reputable people in the Negro network’’ (king, forty four). Robinson and the wpc responded to parks’ arrest via calling for a one-day protest of the city’s buses on 5 December 19558. Robinson prepared a chain of leaflets at Alabama state college and organiz ed businesses to distribute them at some stage in the black network. In the meantime, after securing bail for parks with Clifford and Virginia Durr, e. D. Nixon, beyond chief of the Sir Bernard Law bankruptcy of the national affiliation for the advancement of coloured people (naacp), started to name local black leaders, inclusive of ralph Abernathy and king, to organize a planning meeting. On 2 December, black ministers and leaders met at Dexter Avenue Baptist church and agreed to publicize the 5 December boycott. The deliberate protest received surprising publicity in the weekend newspapers and in radio and TV reports1. On fifth December, 90 percent of 1st viscount Montgomery of Alamein’s black citizens stayed off the buses. That afternoon, the metropolis’s ministers and leaders met to discuss the opportunity of extending the boycott into a long-time period marketing campaign. During this meeting the mia changed into shaped, and king became elected president. Parks recalled: ‘‘the benefit of getting dr. King as president turned into that he was so new to Montgomery and to civil rights paintings that he hadn’t been there long enough to make any robust friends or enemies’’ 6. That nighttime, at a mass assembly at Holt Street Baptist church, the mia voted to maintain the boycott. King spoke to several thousand people at the meeting: ‘‘I want it to be recognized that we’re going to work with grim and ambitious determination to gain justice at the buses on this city. And we are not incorrect†¦ if were wrong, the splendid courtroom of this state is incorrect. If were incorrect, the constitution of the USA is inaccurate1. If were incorrect, god almighty is wrong’’ (papers three: 73). After unsuccessful talks with city commissioners and bus enterprise officials, on 8 December the mia issued a formal listing of demands: courteous treatment by bus operators; first-come, first-served seating for all, with blacks seating from the rear and whites from the front; and black bus operators on predominately black routes. The needs have been now not met, and Sir Bernard Law’s black residents stayed off the buses via 1956, no matter efforts by metropolis officers and white residents to defeat the boycott. After the city started out to penalize black taxi drivers for assisting the boycotters, the mia prepared a carpool. Following the recommendation of t. J. Jemison, who had organized a carpool during a 1953 bus boycott in Baton Rouge, the mia developed an intricate carpool system of about three hundred vehicles. Robert Hughes and others from the Alabama council for human relations prepared meetings among the mia and town officers, but no agreements have been reached. In early 1956, the houses of king and E. D. Nixon have been bombed. King was capable of calm the gang that collected at his domestic by using affirming: ‘‘be calm as I and my circle of relatives are. We are not hurt and remember that if something occurs to me, there can be others to take my location’’ (papers 3: a hundred and fifteen). Town officials obtained injunctions towards the boycott in February 1956, and indicted over 80 boycott leaders under a 1921 regulation prohibiting conspiracies that interfered with lawful commercial enterprise. King changed into tried and convicted at the fee and ordered to pay $500 or serve 386 days in jail inside the case kingdom of Alabama v. Martin Luther king, Jr. In spite of this resistance, the boycott continued. Although most of the exposure approximately the protest turned into targeted at the actions of black ministers, ladies played essential roles within the achievement of the boycott. Women such as Robinson, Johnnie Carr, and Irene west sustained the mia committees and volunteer networks. Mary truthful Burks of the wpc also attributed the success of the boycott to ‘‘the anonymous chefs and maids who walked countless miles for a 12 months to bring about the breach inside the walls of segregation’’ (Burks, ‘‘trailblazers,’’ eighty two). In his memoir, king quotes an elderly girl who proclaimed that she had joined the boycott not for her personal advantage but for the best of her youngsters and grandchildren (king, 78). National insurance of the boycott and king’s trial resulted in assist from humans outside Montgomery. In early 1956 veteran pacifists Bayard Rustin and Glenn e. Smiley visited Bernard Law Montgomery and offered king recommendation at the application of gandhian strategies and nonviolence to American race family members. Rustin, Ella baker, and Stanley Levison founded in friendship to raise funds inside the north for southern civil rights efforts, consisting of the bus boycott. King absorbed thoughts from those proponents of nonviolent direct movement and crafted his very own syntheses of gandhian principles of nonviolence. He said: ‘‘Christ showed us the way, and Gandhi in India showed it can paintings’’ (Rowland, ‘‘2,500 right here hail’’). Other followers of gandhian thoughts which includes Richard Gregg, William Stuart nelson, and homer jack wrote the mia presenting help. On 5 June 1956, the federal district courtroom dominated in Browder v. Gayle that bus segregation became unconstitutional, and in November 1956 the U.S. Superb court docket affirmed Browder v. Gayle and struck down legal guidelines requiring segregated seating on public buses. The courtroom’s choice came the same day that king and the mia were in circuit courtroom difficult an injunction towards the mia carpools. Resolved no longer to cease the boycott till the order to desegregate the buses without a doubt arrived in Bernard Law Montgomery, the mia operated without the carpool device for a month. The very best courtroom upheld the decrease court docket’s ruling, and on 20 December 1956 king called for the end of the boycott; the network agreed. The following morning, he boarded an integrated bus with ralph Abernathy, e. D. Nixon, and Glenn smiley. King stated of the bus boycott: ‘‘we got here to see that, in the end, its miles more honorable to walk in dign ity than ride in humiliation. So †¦ we determined to substitute tired toes for tired souls, and stroll the streets of Montgomery’’ (papers three: 486)4. King’s function in the bus boycott garnered global attention, and the mia’s approaches of mixing mass nonviolent protest with Christian ethics have become the model for tough segregation inside the south.
Friday, September 27, 2019
Project about drug LORATADINE OR LORATADIN Research Paper
Project about drug LORATADINE OR LORATADIN - Research Paper Example The assignment of patients to the different types of treatment was randomized and the randomization was also double-blinded, with neither the researchers nor the respondents knowing what treatment was assigned to them. At the start of each trial, the respondents assigned to each group were similar and baseline characteristics for each respondent were also similar. The baseline characteristic established for the patients included their age, gender, and ethnic origin (Ratner,, 1998). Aside from the allocated treatment, the patients were all treated equally and no other additional procedures or treatments were included for any of the other treatment groups. There were 28 losses in respondents in the course of the study; this represented an acceptable number – less than 20% of the total number of respondents. The respondents were also analysed in the groups where they were randomised. They were analysed and compared to the other groups based on statistical variances and eva luations. This study is very much ideal because the clinicians and the researchers were blinded during the course of their research. Neither of them knew who was receiving what form of treatment. Previous knowledge and perceptions of the possible impact of treatments did not affect the results of the study and the outcome of the treatments (Ratner,, 1998). The paper of Cauwenberge and Juniper (2000) sought to compare the efficacy, safety and impact of quality of life in seasonal allergic rhinitis patients after treatment with either fexofenadine and loratadine (with placebo) given once a day. The respondents were randomised through the application of appropriate computer techniques. Such randomisation was concealed from the respondents and researchers. The groups were similar at the start of the trial and the baseline characteristics of age, gender, and conditions including nasal congestion were all similar to each other (Cauwenberge &
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Cause and Effect on Gasoline Prices Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Cause and Effect on Gasoline Prices - Essay Example  The price of crude oil and how its effect is felt at the pumps is an issue of interest in as far as the price of gasoline gases is concerned. Gasoline is produced from crude oil through distillation process whereby crude oil is heated and fumes captured are converted to various products including gasoline. Thus the cost of extracting crude oil as well as the cost of processing it to produce gasoline will definitely affect the price of its products. For instance, the price of crude constitutes up to half or more of the price of gasoline gallon as suggested by Gupta and Demirbas (73). The rise in the price of crude oil has been driven by the increasing demand for oil globally and the political instability in most of the oil-producing countries according to Gallun (723). Therefore these factors end up directly affecting the price of gasoline. The depreciation of the US dollar when compared to other currencies of other countries contributes to the changes of gasoline gas price. This can be attributed to the fact that when the US dollar changes its value, there is a shift in the demand and costs of countries with different currencies. For instance the dollars depreciation against the Euro by half, the Countries using the Euro pay half more in dollars thus increases the demand. If the Us dollar depreciates, investors in return have to shift their capital there is the rise in price of crude oil gases hence affecting price of Gasoline gas according to Obadia (23). The world wide demand and supply for crude oil affects the price of gasoline gases in different ways. This is because demand and supply of crude oil is influenced by the organization of Petroleum Exporting countries it sets price of oil products produced by its members. This organization also holds the biggest percentage of oil supply in the world and thus it dictates the terms of supply of oil products as suggested by Boyes and Melvin (11). In terms of demand, during the summer there tends be to a lot of gasoline gas demand hence if demand exceeds supply the prices bare likely to rise. It is therefore true that imbalance in supply and demand leads to fluctuation in the price of gasoline gases according to International Monetary Fund (56). For instance if there is fast rise in demand or quick fall in supply due factors such as refinery there may occur a rapid depletion for gasoline gases. The future of oil manufacturing and the contracts made on the future date and price for selling oil in a way affect the price of gasoline gases. On one hand with increasing technology, the future may experience increased demand for gasoline gas compared to the source of this gas and thus prices may end up increasing. On the other hand the increasing alternatives of sources of energy replacing the use of gasoline in future are likely to lead to a decrease in price of the gasoline gases. The future increase in retail gas stations which will still share the market with the existing ones will lead to l ower prices in order to attract customers. Some contracts have been established to decide on the future date and price for selling oil products. For instance a Collar contract is a mini-max strategy assuring producers of oil either a minimum or maximum range of prices for the sale of oil in the future as suggested by Gallup and Frank (221). Â
The Fight for Protecting Women Rights in 1700-1877 Research Paper - 1
The Fight for Protecting Women Rights in 1700-1877 - Research Paper Example Feminism, in the modern socio-political and philosophical domain, has been provided with special attention from every discipline of sociological studies. However, there is no denying that in order to evaluate the position of feminism as a poignant socio-political and philosophical discipline it is also important to acknowledge the history of women activism as well as the gradual process of development of the movement that was gradually germinating since late 16th century. Compared to the recent situation of women in civilized world they were tremendously challenged and consequently oppressed in the context of â€Å"expressing themselves in a patriarchal system that generally refused to grant merit to women's views.†1 One of the greatest feminist thinkers of all time, Simone de Beauvoir, in her essay â€Å"The Second Sex,†while attempted to evaluate the position of women in the traditional patriarchal system said that a woman in terms of patriarchal judgment is nothing but a womb, a mere organism for child production2. She also has specified that every time women have proved their existence as equal to their male counterparts in terms of merit and capacity of accomplishment the same system has declared that â€Å"they are not women, although they are equipped with a uterus like the rest.†3 It is clear from these observations that women in hands of the traditional social patriarchy are considered as mere instruments of sensuality, objects of attaining physical pleasure, an organic manifestation of sensuality and above all they are regarded as organisms without individual identity and human entity. The patriarchy has always denied acknowledging the humane attributes of a woman. The male-dominated social system always faced difficulty to share its monopolistic position with female counterparts and by denying humane attributes or entity of women they actually aimed at oppressing women for its selfish benefits.
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Managment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2
Managment - Essay Example ow they can develop different strengths financially, continue to have their footprint in the economy, powerful CEO leadership that is innovative that continues to build a powerful market with consumers, shareholders, and their own employees. There are some organizational challenges that do come along with ensuring that Candlelight is competitive, builds employee morale, continues to grow, with effective leadership and marketing strategies, and other changes that can be will allow them to have an improved public image. In the past, talent acquisition, engagement, and retention has been implemented in a decentralized and unpredictable method from the divisions throughout their business, and it has been defined as frail and inadequately controlled. Management has come together to strategize the three talents they wish to carry down to each and every employee that works within the company by offering their first method they defined as â€Å"Develop Talent†as a requirement. The company’s CEO and associates have met more often to agree that applying an array of development activities to every person individually instead of to an entire team of workers, and supervisors feel that this approach will allow one on one interaction from the managers to their employees. Furthermore, the manager of that department will learn personal and professional needs and opinions of every person, and they both can discuss succession planning, involve other supervisor input if that manager feels he or she needs the assistance, and also ask the employee directly their own goals and what they want as a career at Candlelight. Engaging talent is the second strategy management has agreed upon because they feel that the success of the company starts within beginning with the actual workers, and that if the workers are not recognized, feel they cannot communicate and have open door policies, and address their concerns they will feel hopeless and like a number instead of somebody. Supervisors
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
The Composition II cource Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
The Composition II cource - Essay Example As one reflected on the activities that transpired during the course, the following details provided appropriate responses to the relevant questions regarding writing skills mastered, possible applications of these skills, the use of research as a foundation for academic essays, and finally, the changes in perception of oneself as a writer and researcher before and after the course. In this regard, the aim of this essay is to proffer pertinent information after reflecting on the writing and research skills gained and developed during the course. What writing skills have you mastered during this course? I have figured out how to write a proper APA formatted paper among other skills developed during the course. Prior to Composition II, there has always been a vague understanding and recognition of intricate details of different writing styles. By providing the comprehensive information needed by students to observe guidelines and rules in writing essays using the APA format, I mastered the tools needed for proper citation, referencing, formatting the title page, including the needed header, page numbers, abstract, and other important details. Further, by being assigned different essays to write, one has developed skills in observing correct grammar, punctuation, choice of words and language, making a draft and reviewing and editing one’s work. ... I plan to use the lessons learned from writing a proper research paper in my future classes. One is aware that different courses require writing academic essays and research papers that require the skills developed during the course. Application of these skills would be put to further test in other courses and in one’s future career. Prior to applying for defined positions deemed appropriate for one’s profession, through the skills developed, one would therefore be able to create an effective resume and cover letter which would be used in future applications for employment. When accepted, writing skills would also be used in the preparation of inter-office correspondences and reports that form part of one’s responsibilities. Communication would therefore be enhanced and expertise in written works would prove to be a plus factor for promotions and professional development. Skills in research would also be used in one’s future career in terms of seeking upda ted information that needs to improve expertise in one’s field of endeavor. By regularly researching on new academic journals that contain new information influencing one’s career, one exemplifies assuming a proactive stance and thereby prepares oneself to meet unanticipated and unforeseen events. Competence in both writing and research would definitely assist in thinking and communicating outside the box and in being prepared for events that are not normally part of everyday life. How has using research as a foundation for your academic essays strengthened your writing abilities? I found that my writing is better, more structured now than before. The techniques for researching needed topics enabled me to seek more in-depth
Monday, September 23, 2019
Advertising and marketing communications Assignment
Advertising and marketing communications - Assignment Example This paper explores the potentiality of the different medium of advertising sought after a critical reading of the lecture series to incorporate the learning theories in practice on Public Health Campaign promoting HEALTHY EATING. Here we consider various theoretical issues for understanding marketing communications such as integrated marketing communications, the communication process, the communication environment and ethics. Further, we consider different marketing communication channels and apply our theoretical understanding of communications to examine their effectiveness. The present problem being children related, there is special references in pediatric suggestions suppose to reflect in periodicals. The in box materials suggest the substantial literature while the Strategic Steps are drawn on how to carry out this campaign.Obesity is a condition in which the natural energy reserve, stored in the fatty tissue of humans and other mammals associated with certain health conditio ns or increased mortality. Although obesity is an individual clinical condition, it needs to show concern as a serious and growing public health problem: excessive body weight has been shown to predispose to various diseases, particularly cardiovascular diseases, diabetes mellitus type 2, sleep apnea and osteoarthritis. CHILDHOOD OBESITY is a medical condition that affects children. Characteristically it delves a weight well above the mean for their height and age and a body mass index well above the norm. Childhood obesity has become an "epidemic" in Western countries, in particular, the United States, United Kingdom and Australia. Over 15% of American children are currently under the curse to be obese, and the number is growing. Strategic step 1: INTEGRATED MARKETING COMMUNICATIONS Communication has always provided the symbolic resources and medium for the construction of identity. We are now more sensitive to the way that the growth of commercial symbols such as brands has added richness to the choice of symbols we might use to build and communicate identities and ideas. Integrating marketing communications is not straightforward, for this includes non-integrated management of communications, different types of language and mindset for different types of promotional activities and the complex nature of many organizations. Marketers need to write messages, transmit those messages and those messages, to a greater or lesser degree, and have the intended effect on the readers and viewers. OBESITY: THE CAUSES WITHOUT BLAMING THE GENES Acquired Childhood obesity results from poor eating habits, as well as genetic and hormonal causes. Fast food restaurants and junk food are popular with children. Even frequent eating out often results in weight gain. Children who do not engage in frequent physical activity are much more likely to suffer from obesity. This is due to the recent technological developments, including video games, computers, and mobile phones. Physically inactive children are unable to burn off the calories that they gain from eating. Do you agree Send your comments. Psychological factors These factors influence a child's eating habits and many children eat in response to stress and or negative emotions such as boredom, anger, sadness, anxiety or depression. Do you agree Write your problem to us. Hereditary Many might think obesity could be hereditary. Mostly obesity occurs by shared unhealthy eating habits in the household, it has been suggested that there may be a genetic reason for obesity. However, recent studies have shown that while there is evidence of in vitro influences on food choice, perhaps the largest influence can occur during the toddler years. Indeed, recent studies have shown that parents influence an estimated 72% of what and how much their
Saturday, September 21, 2019
The Five Factors of Operation Management Essay Example for Free
The Five Factors of Operation Management Essay 1.0Executive Summary There are four operation objectives in Penang Mutiara which is quantity, speed, dependability and flexibility. Quantity is the number of goods or services. This article, I illustrate the way the hotel management, strategy and long-term strategy to promote the hotel. 2.0 Introduction Mutiara Beach Resort Penang heralds a new standard for Asian resort hotels. Located on a prime beachfront at Teluk Bahang, otherwise known as the glowing bay, it nestles in 7.3 hectares (18 acres) of landscaped tropical greenery. All 438 of its spacious rooms enjoy sea and garden views. Here in this paradise of comfort and luxury, it has been claimed that nothing is unusual. The name Mutiara means pearl and is also a term of endearment in the Malay language. A perfect description for an extraordinary resort with a lively Malaysian personality. Manned by a team of innovative and experienced staff, Penang Mutiaras service reflects Meritus Hotel Resorts efficiency and tradition of friendly hospitality.[1] 3.0Competitve Priorities of the Organization and Business Level Strategy This part of the strategy used to manage stress Wernie Pearl Hotel in Penang. How to implement the strategy, and making the hotels long-term strategy. 3.1 Make sure that the way he manages the hotel is appropriate to the way it competes for business Penang Mutiara, being one of the most prestigious hotels in Penang, has managed to secure a foothold in this lucrative and highly competitive environment. Wernie has the vision and very clear focused beliefs about the importance of running an effective operation where customers have every right to demand for first class service which they are obliged to provide for. For get a biggest development and get more success, Penang Mutiara has to: Expand its business in other areas to acquire more market shares against other high-class and strong competitors in the whole Asia region, or even in the world. Offer the differentiation, high standard quality and characteristic hotel services, and comfortable environment for customers. Pitch itself as an up-market end hotel business that targets customers are those who are high income and high consuming individuals, and the high class business and political unions or organizations. 3.2 Implement any change in strategy Through concessions and travel companies, marine theme park and Wildlife Park and other business alliances, film companies, golf or car clubs, hotels, is tourism, entertainment, commercial exploitation, and a set consisting relaxation. Complete basic services such as transport line services; wireless Internet access. A variety of services, such as the provision to meet different customers different needs of holiday travel package; season meeting market different packages; a variety of food types. The registration form and who can provide more free services or the price of the latest promotions and receive a loyal member of the consumer. Expand existing business to developing e-business; alliance other hotels in other areas. 3.3 Develop his operation so that it drives the long-term strategy of the hotel Building and developing hotel website, including introduction of hotel services, traffic map, resource and promotion information, booking on line, requirement and feedback of customer, online payment; Develop Statistical Process control (SPC) for measuring the service quality, rates of customers satisfaction and complaint, cost controlling, deciding for new services which match with customers changing demands; Develop a top-down strategy to reflect what the hotels vision and mission, changing strategies, requirement. Building an automatic system to improve reliable and speed that ensuring JIT for collecting correct information of customer requirement, conveniently e-pay, delivering and exchanging information for corresponding with each departments, ensuring security; Offer continual training for staff to improve the standard quality of services, English and foreign languages speaking, handling these new automatic system and internet using; Adding the advertisement through TV, internet, high-income reader journal or fashion magazines and newspaper; Keeping and developing a high standard quality and low cost supply chain which including ensuring purchasing at the right quality, fast delivery, retaining flexibility, right prices; collecting and utilizing resources form internet or global; building physical distribution management and internet; keeping a high quality materials; building a good relation ship with suppliers. 4.0 How five performance objectives might have internal benefits? 4.1 Quality Quality is placed first in our list of performance objectives because many authorities believe it to be the most important. There are two important points to remember when reading the section on quality as a performance objective. The external affect of good quality within in operations is that the customers who ‘consume’ the operations products and services will have less (or nothing) to complain about. And if they have nothing to complain about they will (presumably) be happy with their products and services and are more likely to consume them again. This brings in more revenue for the company (or clients satisfaction in a not-for-profit organization). 4.11 Quality increases dependability Good quality leads to stable and efficient processes that less mistake, easy for coordination for matching the standard of processes, dependable and advanced equipments and tools to use adds dependability for internal customers,. 4.12 Quality reduces cost It reduces cost for Mutiara due to it is fewer the chance to make mistakes. First it saves the time to sort out the problem, redoing or correcting mistakes, or to reducing confusion or irritation for each people; second, it also reduces the labor cost. Dispelling some serious troubles or problem always needs more staffs or more time to do it, thus, it results in the labor cost added, such as part-time salary, overtime compensation. The more minimizing mistake, the more minimize the excess labor costs to pay for doing excess works; third, less mistake and using top-class and durable materials also result in saving expenditures such as maintaining fee, cost of materials resulted by mistakes , transporting fees, and other excess expenditures. 4.2 Speed Speed is a shorthand way of saying ‘Speed of response’. It means the time between an external or internal customer requesting a product or service, and them getting it. Again, there are internal and external affects. Externally speed is important because it helps to respond quickly to customers. Again, this is usually viewed positively by customers who will be more likely to return with more business. Sometimes also it is possible to charge higher prices when service is fast. The postal service in most countries and most transportation and delivery services charge more for faster delivery. 4.3 Dependability Dependability means ‘being on time’. In other words, customers receive their products or services on time. Externally (no matter how it is defined) dependability is generally regarded by customers as a good thing. Certainly being late with delivery of goods and services can be a considerable irritation to customers. Especially with business customers, dependability is a particularly important criterion used to determine whether suppliers have their contracts renewed. So, again, the external affects of this performance objective are to increase the chances of customers returning with more business. Internally dependability has an affect on cost. See the figure below: [pic] 4.31 Dependability gives stability Dependability fixes the time and costs overcoming the disruption, enhancing the trust for planning works and collaborating with each operation. 4.31Dependability saves money Ineffectively arrangement will translate extra cost. Reliability arrangement reduced duplication of resources or inputs left some unused resources to maintain or increase storage costs, labor costs or opportunity costs. 4.4 Flexibility This is a more complex objective because we use the word ‘flexibility’ to mean so many different things. The important point to remember is that flexibility always means ‘being able to change the operation in some way’. 4.4.1 Flexibility saves resources According to the specific conditions of the objects or actions and resources re-arrangements can sometimes prevent the unnecessary duplication of planning, consumption and use of resources, such as time, capital, labor, the traditional way of doing things to do. 4.4.2 Flexibility increase speed of response Being able to give fast service for customers depends on the operation being flexible. Flexible operations speedily transfer extra skilled staff and equipment to the urgent conditions and emergencies will provide the fast service with other operations needs. 4.5 Cost Cost means do things cheaply. To Mutiara hotel, it means keeping an appropriate cost for keeping the operations effective running. All of other objectives affect cost. Flexible operations leads to quickly make changes or decisions for changing conditions and overcomes disrupting the other operation. Flexible operation inside can also change tasks timely without wasting time and capacity. Speedy operations cuts down the in-process inventory level and also saving the cost of administrative overheads. High-quality operations prevents wasting time, re-do things, or flowed service which would be inconvenient for internal customers. Dependable operation protects the normal orders dont be confusion by any unwelcome surprises on internal customers. It ensures delivery exact and reliable. This limits uneconomical disruption and improves the efficiency of micro operations. 5.0 Conclusion Penang Pearl article Wernie hotel management business management model is a typical example. we can find a companys operating performance on quality, speed, reliability, flexibility, and cost five goals. And how to use the correct management and planning strategy to manage the company more perfect. The operation objective is the way how the hotel operates on certain intention. Usually these objectives are used to cover mistakes or to solve problems within the hotel premises. Especially when the objectives is to meet the customers needs. The action that is taken is the way to solve the problems of certain criteria will be trained to the staff of the hotel.
Friday, September 20, 2019
Just Walk on By: Black Men and Public Space, Brent Staples
Just Walk on By: Black Men and Public Space, Brent Staples In the essay, Just Walk on By, Brent Staples succeeds greatly in demonstrating the current negative view of black men in America and the fact that racism is still alive today. He narrates a personal anecdote about the path he takes to understand the effect his appearance can have on his environment. Staples describes his extreme frustration at the fact that racism plays such a large role in his life. The essay illustrates that prejudice and racism are still prevalent by using many examples, his intended audience, imagery, and comparisons. In this essay, Staples describes how he has always been discriminated against for being a black journalist in a white area of work. He first realizes this as a graduate student when he takes a walk late at night and frightens a white woman who believed he was following her. He agrees that the world is violent and that the woman had a right to be fearful of him, but it perturbs him that he cannot change the fact that he was the cause of the fear. He begins to understand that he has a quality to change the environment around him solely because of the color of his skin. However, he does not become angry but maintains a sense of calamity throughout the essay. His newfound understanding causes him to begin actively trying to make himself look less intimidating to others around him. Accordingly, Staples uses many examples to express the racial stereotype he acquires to his intended audience, which are white women and black men in general. He describes two common times when people unreasonably mistook him for a burglar and a colleague of his as a killer. These examples begin to make the reader feel sympathy towards black men as a whole and the prejudice they cannot escape. He explains a time when he entered a jewelry store to write an article for a newspaper and was greeted with an enormous red Doberman pinscher. Readers realize the hardship of the lives of black men who cannot even enter a jewelry store without causing alarm. Women in particular are victim to this behavior of racism, and some will realize their wrongdoings when reading the essay. Staples, however, will not let this stereotype of being a threat to society overcome his emotions. To lighten the environment around him, he whistles classical music to assure others that he is not a perilous man and th at they should not fear him. Through these actions, he suppresses the personal notions of feeling like a thug while also lessening the aspect of terror felt by nearby people. The whistling allows others to see the accurate representation of Staples that they can only see once they put their racism aside. Furthermore, Staples uses much vivid imagery to help his readers imagine the situations he has to cope with. The image of Staples barely being able to take a knife to a raw chicken shows readers that Staples is in fact a harmless person. Also, Staples describes white women who walk the street as night as seeming to forge ahead as though bracing themselves against being tackled. The women are intensely protecting themselves from black men who they do not know based solely on stereotypes. These images facilitate the readers ability to fully experience the depth of Stapless story. His diction portrays this tactic from the very beginning of his essay. Staples states that his first victim was a woman causing many readers to jump to the conclusion that Staples hurt this woman in some way, like the predisposed notion of black people causes many to presume. Readers soon realize this mistake and recognize that he or she just made the assumption that many people make prejudicially every day. Additionally, Staples uses comparisons to enhance the descriptions of the fear that others feel by Stapless presence. Staples explains that the womans quick getaway when she saw him on a street at night made him feel like an accomplice in tyranny that was indistinguishable from the muggers. This experience shows how the womans racism affected her own actions but also how it negatively influenced the black man emotionally. He also uses an onomatopoeia to recreate the atmosphere of walking the streets at night when he says he could cross in front of a car stopped at a traffic light and elicit the thunk, thunk, thunk, thunk of the driver-black, white, male, or female-hammering down the door locks. The sound of the cars locking creates an uneasy feeling among readers and shows the extent of precaution that not only women took as a result of his presence. Staples effectively persuades his readers to believe that not all black men are harmful and to stop fueling racism. He also convinces his readers to feel sympathetic towards black men. I have been on both sides of this situation by being the one causing fear and the one falling victim to prejudice. I constantly find myself making sure that I am fully aware of my surroundings and the people around me when I am out alone. This prejudice has been passed down to me by my aunts who always encourage me to have pepper spray with me at all times and walk back to my car with my car key poking out between my fingers as a defensive action. I now realize that these notions are wrong and that black men do not deserve this unfair treatment. I know how horrible it makes me feel whenever people fear me in an airport, and I should not encourage this behavior by engaging in it. Stapless essay successfully reveals the emotions felt by black men when they are prejudiced against and the injustice that bl ack men have to deal with still today.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
The Art of Murder :: The Art of Murder
The Art of Murder In "The Most Dangerous Game" and "Bargain" murder happens. Certainly, murder is one of the most vile, inhuman crimes a person can commit. Many people commit it willfully and wantonly, but few get away with it without being suspected. General Zaroff got away with murder quite frequently, and Mr. Baumer also did. They were both good at it. Zaroff and Mr. Baumer were the most evil people in "The Most Dangerous Game" and "Bargain" because they were both very sneaky and smart about murdering, they both stacked the deck against their victims, and they were both murderers. General Zaroff and Mr. Baumer were very sneaky and smart at committing the murders. General Zaroff "hunted" humans on an island where many people were afraid of going. He made the shipwrecks look like an accident so that no one would come looking for him or to find possible suspects. He put a large house where he lived in a jungle, where it would be hard for even the most experienced to find by chance. He also "played" with his "game" to think that they would do something that would give them self away so that the killings could be done more sneakily. Mr. Baumer was also very sneaky in committing his act of murder. He wanted Slade dead because he maimed Baumer's hand. He wanted to make it look like an accident. So, he poisoned the liquor which he all but knew that Slade would steal and drink it. He didn't just happen to put the poison in the right place. When Baumer found out Slade was dead, he acted as if it was a surprise to him so that no one would th ink he had something to do with it. General Zaroff and Mr. Baumer were both very smart and sneaky, and they always got away with murder. Both General Zaroff and Mr. Slade stacked the deck against their victims. Zaroff was much more equipped to make his way through the jungle then the sailors. If his hunt took too long, he would send out dogs that could hunt down people with ease. He had much more experience and intelligence than the sailors he used. No sailor was used to walking through such a jungle, with it being so dense and having so many things that could trap them or make it harder to walk through it.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
The Geological Impact of Nuclear Testing at the Nevada Test Site Essay
The Geological Impact of Nuclear Testing at the Nevada Test Site The Nevada Test Site is an area designated by the United States Government for Nuclear Weapons testing. It is located in rural southern Nevada and is about the size of the State of Rhode Island. This location was founded in 1952 as one of 5 on land sites designated for this task. Above ground nuclear or atmospheric testing was conducted at the Nevada Test Site until 1958. There was a break in testing until the United States decided to begin underground testing in 1962. There were a total of 828 nuclear tests performed underground during these years. In 1963 a limited Nuclear Test Ban Treaty was signed by the United States that limited above ground tests world wide. These underground tests were performed until 1992, and nuclear testing in the United States seized all together in 1994 when the Nuclear Test Ban Treaty was signed. The majority of the testing was conducted to further the efforts of the Cold War, as well as, to further general understanding of the effects and results of nu clear testing. This paper will discuss the history, geological aspects, and impacts of the Nevada Test Site on this and surrounding areas of Nevada. The history of atomic testing begins during the Second World War. The majority of testing during this period was done at the Los Alamos test site in New Mexico. All of the locations where testing was done have several key things that make them good locations for nuclear testing. They are all away from areas of large population density. For example the Nevada Test Site is 65 miles northwest of Las Vegas but has little or no population in the immediate area. They are also in areas where there is little or very deep ground water aquifer... ...ically impressive, the atomic reservations are bleak compounds of windowless concrete reactors and factories and hasty government-spec architecture: places frozen in the 1950s and 1960s. (Seattle Times Company 1995) Works Cited "Estimated Exposures and Thyroid Doses Received by the American People from Iodine-131 in Fallout Following Nevada Atmospheric Nuclear Bomb Tests National Cancer Institute (NCI). 2002. June 2004. <> Eckel, Edwin B., ed. Nevada Test Site. Memoir 110 Boulder, CO: The Geological Society of America, 1968 Nevada Test Site. Global security.Org. 21 December 2002. June 2004. <> Part II The Nevada Test Site. The Seattle Times Web Edition. 1995. Seattle Times Company. June 2004. <>
An Unforgettable Person Essays -- Personal Narrative Teachers Educatio
An Unforgettable Person Parents are–or should be–the teachers of their children in many areas, a natural relationship of handing down what they have learned to their offspring. But there is something special about the profession of teaching where an individual chooses to make an impact on students ,they hardly know on Day 1 of class and yet they have a goal of sending those young faces on their way to a well-rounded education in the 180 or so days they will have them in his or her care. At Vikas junior college, more teachers continued their influence on my life, and many of them have enjoyed long teaching careers. Several have retired, but several are still hard at it with the current crop of students The bell rings, and all the students waits for him to come. He is nothing but our math lecturer Mr.P.Ramesh. He is about 6 feet tall, thin man. He dresses himself in formals. He has a good hair style like wave’s .he is handsome too. His classes are so interesting. All the students get involved to listen to his classes. We never miss his classes. He is very friendly, polite, and casual. He is hailed by many students here and there. ``Hello!'' ``Hi!'' ``Nice to see you!'' Whenever he comes across anyone he knows, he always says hello to them first, wearing a big smile, whether or not they are older or younger than him. In this society where many people often pass by without greeting each other, seeing him might be like seeing an oasis in a desert. He loves childre n in ear...
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Art of Living Essay
I remember when I was young, I’ve been wondering why people are living? Why we exist? Why do all these stuffs are here on earth? There are lots of questions filled up my mind yet I found no answer. I can’t think enough for these, I need answers; I have to know what is really the reason of one’s existence. I am very much sure that in millions or billions of people who are living, it’s not only me who became curious on this matter. Many of us are wondering but only few have really the intention to know. Knowledge on self exists; but sincere seekers are rare. We people are used to the concept of ‘routine’ that we do daily activities systematically and so we better not bother ourselves asking and just do what we have to do. But in the end of the day, you’ll still ask who am I? We all know that life is subjected to four laws: birth, disease, old age and death but letting go, and paying attention to what is always present naturally allows this divine life to overtake your existence. Existence of something does not only ends with the point that it exists but to what purpose and position it stands for. We people came from the Superior Soul, our God who has given us the life. We have a superior therefore we are the inferior. We are dominated and controlled as our position here. And our natural function is to render loving service to God as we serve in this world. Somebody told me there are two kinds of world: the material world which is made up of matter and subjected to perish, a world where nothing is permanent; and secondly the spiritual world or the â€Å"Kingdom of God†where there’s no night or day and full of bliss. Now, we are already living in the first kind of world, the question is how can we be in the second world? And that’s simply by being conscious or aware, the things being portrayed by Sat-Chit-Ananda and doing our real purpose which is to follow him and his instructions. Being a Christian we are told of two major instructions. The first and foremost is â€Å"Love God with all your heart, mind and entire being†and the next is â€Å"Love your neighbors even your enemies†Loving your enemies is something near impossible but not doing it is what we call ‘false Christianity’. For us to follow Him and do His instructions there must be selflessness or God-consciousness within us, and one of the best things that shows selflessness is something portrayed in art works. Some would say, art is a way of expressing oneself but it’s not mostly like that. We would be selfish not selfless if we will make an art just to express our views, yet an artwork would be something great if it would be a catalyst of peace and other environmental issues. An artwork is beautiful because of its purpose that must connive with the natural function of the artist as a man-to serve God. We don’t just live here, we exist for a purpose and that is the art of living.
Monday, September 16, 2019
A White Heron
A White Heron – Alternate Ending â€Å"The tree seemed to lengthen itself out as she went up, and to reach farther and farther upward. †Her pale face glimmered in the new sunlight that appeared Just over the horizon. She sat atop the mighty tree for a lengthy amount of time, taking in the true beauty of the scenery. As Sylvia was drawn aback with the breathtaking view, a white flash caught her eyes. It was the heron. Sleek, mysterious and mind-blowing; it careened atop the treetops.She followed it attentively, being sure to know the exact location of its nest. After all, the boy back home was willing to pay a sum of none in trade for the location of the nest. Sylvia carefully made her way down the large tree, as she descended, she tired. When her bare feet reached the familiar wet ground of the forest, she knew she had a decision to make. Emotions welled up inside her, and she was overtaken by her conflicting thoughts. If she told the location of the bird, it would be killed.If she kept it to herself, however, it would remain in the world, but she would forgo the money and friendship from the hunter. Her tiny, torn up feet carried her across the forest floor as if they were not her own, as if they were automatic. A blank stare covered her face, and tears plagued her eyes. She loved all woodland beings, especially the heron. It was rare, and it was magnificent. Sylvia knew she was getting close to arriving back home to her eager grandmother, who wanted the money, and the hunter, who desperately wanted the heron.It was not a winning situation for her either way. She could not bear to see the bird destroyed, yet was so tempted to keep a friendship as well as help her grandmother. Just as she became entirely overwhelmed with the gravity of the situation, she had reached the gate and heard the ever so friendly voice call out, â€Å"Slyly! Slyly! Have you returned? †Panic stricken, she walked monotonously to the front porch. Two eager faces awa ited her arrival. One was familiar, wrinkled and warming; tender eyes looking softly at her filled with hope.On the contrary, the other was freckled and enthusiastic. The hunter looked at her keenly, wiped a crocodile tear from her face and asked, â€Å"Sylvia, did you find the location of the bird? †This was it, when her decision had to be made. Tear stricken and unable to decide, she replied with a meek mimes. †She took him into the forest to show him the location of the bird. Sylvia turned away as he raised his gun, eating one final glance at this magnificent creature. One thunderous, echoing shot later, and it was done.The pristine, white feathers were now stained with a crimson rose red blood. As the hunter gathered his kill, he could see the pain in her face. He looked down upon her with a bittersweet glance, â€Å"l am sorry to have taken this creature from your realm; rest assured I will compensate in paying your grandmother double my original offer. †He picked up the small tearful child with arms wrapped around his neck, and returned her home to her grandmother before saying his final goodbyes and being on his way. A White Heron By skies win A White Heron Sarah Orne Jewett was born in South Berwrick, Maine (actually she is a native of New England). I would say ‘A white Heron’ is one of Sarah’s best regionalism works. Sarah began to write stories at her young age. She wrote stories by her everyday life experiences and publishes at her teens. â€Å"In ‘A White Heron’ a young girl’s conflicted loyalties to her conception of herself in nature and to the world of men she will soon encounter are memorable and sensitively drawn†. This is the story of nine year old girl named Sylvia. This is the short story of Sylvia who is actually experiencing an innocent childhood life has found a new changes in herself and discover her womanhood by short period of time. We could say even this story also had the setting of Sarah’s own experienced place which is her native New England. In ‘A white Heron’ Sylvia was living with her grandmother. Sarah started this story by expressing the innocence of the 9 year old little Sylvia. Everybody said that it was a good change for a little maid who had tried to grow for eight years in a crowded manufacturing town, but, as for Sylvia herself it seemed as if she never had been alive at all before she came to live at the farm†She completely living a life which is opposite of city’s life. And Sylvia loved this peaceful and simple life with her grandmother and of course the other mother â€Å"Nature†. This story starts with Sylvia searching for her cow in one fine summer evening in the wood forest. It was her greatest pleasure to hide herself away among the high huckleberry bushes, and though she wore a loud bell she had made the discovery that if one stood perfectly still it would not ring†. It shows that Sylvia and her cow were playing hide and seek on that night while going back their home. â€Å"Suddenly this little woods girl is horror stricken to hear a clear whistle not very far away. Not a bird’s whistle, which would have a sort of friendliness, but a boy’s whistle†. During their journey Sylvia heard a boy’s whistled and met that stranger. He was hunter and he was actually lost his way and asked for Sylvia’s help and he asked her â€Å"Speak up and tell me what your name is, and whether you think I can spend the night at your house and go out gunning early in the morning†. Sylvia continued her journey with her cow and the hunter and finally they reached home. â€Å"Mrs. Tilley was standing in the doorway when the trio came into view†¦ The young man stood his gun beside the door, and dropped a lumpy game bag beside it; then he bade Mrs. Tilley good evening and repeated his warer’s story†. Grandma and the hunter were talking and Sylvia was playing outside in the moonlight. â€Å"But as the day waned, Sylvia still watched the young man with loving admiration. She had never seen anybody so charming and delightful; the woman's heart, asleep in the child, was vaguely thrilled by a dream of love†. Hunter was very kind to them and he looks handsome. Next day Sylvia found some changes in herself. She felt like that she drawn for the stranger. Here some sort of her womanhood can be seen instead of her childhood innocence. We can say that her childhood innocence has started to move backward and her adult feeling comes forward. The hunter was looking for very rare white heron. He came to know that Sylvia is aware of all kind of birds. And he also knew that Sylvia and her grandmother are poor. â€Å"I can’t think of anything I should like so much as to find that heron’s nest, the handsome stranger was saying, I would give ten dollars to anybody who could show it to me†. He has given a try to know about the heron by asking indirectly to Sylvia by saying he could give ten dollars for anyone who helps him to find that bird. Sylvia could possibly accept that ten dollars and help the hunter to find the white heron. â€Å"No amount of thought, that night, could decide how many wished-for treasures the ten dollars, so lightly spoken of, would buy†. She was thinking about the pine tree which can be seen at the edge of the forest. She knew that she can find the heron over there and she went to that place next day morning itself. â€Å"She had often climbed there, and knew that higher still one of the oak’s upper boughs were set close together†¦she went up and reach farther and farther upward†. She reached top of the tree. And she came across the best things in her life. We could say she is experiencing the ‘symbol of natures’. From the top view she is watching the whole forest; she could see the see in the moon view. Finally here is the time for the sun rise and ready to find the white heron. â€Å"Look, look! A white spot of him like a single floating feather comes up from the dead hemlock and grows larger, and rises, and comes at last, and goes by the landmark pine with steady sweep of wing †¦ plumes his feather for the new day†As the sun started to glow Sylvia found the rare white heron and its nest. By reaching top of the big tree it-self shows that Sylvia has reached her womanhood and put aside her childhood innocence. Sylvia now knows the secret of white heron but she is decided not to reveal this to anyone. She doesn’t want to give up the life of the bird just for ten dollars even though money is important for her. She valued the bird’s life more than the money. She would not be satisfied and feel happier even with those ten dollars more than how she feels by saving white heron’s life. Whatever treasures were lost to her, woodlands and summer-time, remember! †Sylvia has discovered her womanhood by climbing the big tree and by keeping the secret of the bird. She has found the treasures of herself and love towards nature. Sarah explains the importance of moral values of young girls towards this story. She is claimed that Sylvia has taken the right decision at right time. She did what her heart said and she valued lives and nature more than money. In life our every day to day decision would bring big changes in our future.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
G topics
G topics A Unipolar World spells disaster for underdeveloped countries like India Is Globalization Really Necessary? What shall we do about our ever-increasing population? Corruption is the price we pay for democracy Foreign television channels are destroying our culture What India needs is a dictatorship With media publishing and telecasting trivia, censorship is the need of the hour Kaun Banega Krorepati is less about knowledge but more about money and personality Beauty contests degrade womanhood The rise of regional blocs threatens independent nations like India Six billion and one ronze!Is dependence on computers a good thing? Should the public sector be privatized? China and India are similar nations with contrasting ways Is India a Soft Nation? Value based politics is the need of the hour Religion should not be mixed with politics How to deal with high oil prices Our cricketers are not to blame for match fixing Why cant we be world players in industry as we are in software? Mu ltinational corporations: Are they devils in disguise? Should there be limits on artistic freedom (the controversy on Fire). Should there be private universities?Does banning fashion shows and New Year parties save our culture? Are Big Dams Necessary? Films are corrupting the Indian Youth A Gandhian State selling liquor is an anomaly Bride burning and dowry may look bad, but are an integral part of India Our Culture is Decaying We are not serious about saving Wildlife/Environment The education system needs serious reforms The impact of MTV on our psyche Showing Violence and Crimes should not be allowed in films and on television Let us legalize gambling Is management an art or a science? The Rush for MBA is really a rush for big moneyEthics in Business are Just a passing fashion The objective of Management is to maximize profits Do professional managers have a chance in our family run businesses? The Internet Is an MBA necessary to succeed in life? Family owned business vs. professi onally run businesses Smaller businesses and start-ups have more scope for professional growth Dot com or doubt com? The Wheel is Turning Round and Round If I was the Finance Minister/Prime Minister There is no right way to do a wrong thing Group Task: How can we have Mount Everest in India?Do Beauty and Brains Go Together? When I woke up in the morning I saw†¦ A ship docked in harbor cannot face the storms Up the Down Staircase Just as we have smoke free zones, we should have child free zones Marriage is a social trap India needs dictatorship or democracy Education and success -direct correlation Indian villages-our strength or weakness Budget-good or bad Role of NGOs in todays world (and India) International Women's Day MBA necessary for successful business? Are beauty pageants Justified? Is coalition politics here to stay?India needs a dictator? Is India moving away from a secularist state? Education in India – or the lack of it What ails Indian sports? The Age of Inf ormation Is Philosophy Just an armchair theory? Success is all about human relations Borderless worlds – Dream or reality? Quality is a myth in India. Education and success – Is there a correlation? We dont learn from history, we repeat it Dowe need a global policeman? Indian villages – our strength or our weakness? Agrarian Economy in India – boon or bane If there were no armies in the world†¦.Open book examination system would eliminate all the ills of present system. (Dept. of Fin. Studies, DO, March'99) Women's empowerment will lead to social development 11M Kozhikode, March'99) Computers result in unemployment (FMS Delhi, March'99) Indians lack a sense of social responsibility (MDI Gurgaon, March'99) Are we raising a generation of burnt out children? (IIMB, Mar 97) Advertising is all glitter and little truth. (MICA, Apr '97) Is bureaucracy a hindrance to economic reforms in India? llMCJuly '97) Film-makers are indulging in cinematic Fortitution in the name of folk culture. (IIML, Mar'97) Under Indian parliamentary democracy it is impossible to ensure balanced regional development. (IIMC, Mar 97 ) In an over-regulated society corruption is inevitable. MICA, Apr 97) For the poorer sections of society, a state-controlled economy is better than a liberalized economy. (IIMC-PGDCM, March'97) With IT replacing middle level management, software Jobs are more lucrative than MBAs (S.P Jain, March'99) Do you think accent holds you back? Would you prefer everyone speaking uniformly? (XIM Bhubaneswar, March'99) Men resent women power at work place (NMIMS, March'99) Youth in India are becoming greedy by the day (MICA, March'99) MBAs should be taxed at higher rates in the country (IIMB April'99) Group Discussion topics asked in SCMHRD on 12/2/2001 IT boom in India. Large Dams are a must for India's development. Leaders should be followers first. Should the Government ban India from playing cricket match in sharJah?Justify. Why more girls choose Human Relations Management. Advertising and ethics. IT  ¤ What does the future hold? Recommendation? Conscription should be made compulsory. Why is patriotism lacking in India? What Ails India more – corruption or Overpopulation. What should India do to preserve its IT command over the World. IIFT GD Topics on 20-02-2001 India makes nuclear bombs, but cannot make quake resistant houses. Role of money in elections Fast changes in Information Technology- excitement or agony?
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Gillette’s Acquisiton of Duracell Essay
The purpose of this report is to first discuss the reasons why Duracell’s performance has been decreasing over the past four years, and then recommend some strategic actions Gillette should take to turn Duracell around. This report will begin by providing a brief introduction on the acquisition of Duracell by Gillette, followed by the reasons it lacked success, and finally end with the proposed recommendations for Duracell. Currently, Gillette’s operating segments include personal grooming, small appliances, and oral care products, and the portable power segment. In the portable power segment, Duracell’s major competitors consist of Energizer and Rayovac while new and emerging ones included Sony, Kodak, Panasonic, and other private label brands. The collective entrance of these competitors in the 1990s is the primary reasons for Gillette’s lack of success in the battery industry, discussed below. The key reason Gillette has been unable to achieve the same success in batteries that it has with shaving products is due to the competitive dynamics in the alkaline battery industry. The period of four years from 1997 to 2000 experienced rapid technological innovation in the alkaline battery industry by not only the major players but also from new and small entrants in the industry. Two of these small players were Sony and Panasonic. Sony introduced its â€Å"Stamina Line†of batteries in 1997, which was quickly followed by Panasonic’s â€Å"Panasonic Plus†to compete with Duracell’s â€Å"Copper top†line. Within the same year, the Rayovac Corporation replaced its existing battery with the Rayovac â€Å"Maximum†and priced the product at 20 per cent below the two industry giants – Duracell and Energizer. In the following year (1998), however, Gillette launched its first upgrade of Duracell’s offerings named the â€Å"Duracell Ultra†. This new line did not replace the original â€Å"Copper Top†line that was competing with the product of Sony and Panasonic in the previous year but rather, followed Gillette’s regular move with shaving upgrades of placing a premium on its items. Therefore, Ultra was priced at a 20 per cent premium over the older technology. Nonetheless, the competition was still pouring in. The advent of Energizer’s â€Å"Advanced Formula†happened to be in the same month as Gillette’s Ultra and was claimed to last nine percent longer than the than the Ultra. The major drawback for Gillette, however, was that no price premium was placed on the new upgrade by Energizer and was introduced at the same price point as its previous product. In contrast to Energizer’s upgrade as well as stiff competition from other players, Gillette launched the â€Å"new†Ultra in February of 1999 which claimed better performance. This was rebutted by Energizer’s â€Å"super premium†line of batteries described as e2 (launched in June 2000) and was priced four to six percent higher than Ultra. Finally, in the same month, Duracell announced its third generation of Ultra with more efficiency but no increase in price. This all showed Gillette’s inconsistency in terms of pricing and lack of strategy. It is clear that the introduction of the Ultra led to a series of new innovations of alkaline batteries by both Energizer and Gillette. Gillette had hoped that its innovations would be differentiated products and be perceived industry-wide as unique and valued. However, the company set too high a price premium in order to achieve differentiation for batteries and customers simply did not accept the price/performance proposition Duracell offered its customers. Further, the differentiation strategy that must provide uniqueness valued by customers did not exist as customers perceived batteries to be commodities. One publication of Consumer Reports even indicated that the â€Å"moral on battery shopping is simple: buy by price. This clearly contradicts Gillett’s strategy of price premiums for differentiated offerings and is the prime reason for Gillette’s lack of success. In other segments of Gillette’s business, such as personal grooming, customers are willing to pay premiums for shaving products because they feel an attachment to those products as they are used daily. Attempting to transfer this strategy onto batteries did not work because customers perceived batteries as a commodity not used in their daily routine. On the other hand, companies like Rayovac have simply followed a cost leadership strategy and have seen increases in their operating margin of 32% from 1998 to 1999 and 66% from 1999 to 2000, respectively. The reasons for Gillett’s lack of success in batteries have been outlined above. In terms of strategic actions that Gillette should take, it first needs to deviate from its â€Å"differentiation†only policy that it has used for its shaving products because it is clear that batteries are perceived as a commodity and customers will not accept high price premiums. The proposed recommendation is to achieve competitive advantage by integrating an overall cost leadership strategy with differentiation. This type of strategy is generally harder for competitors to duplicate and will enable Gillette to provide two types of value to customers: differentiated attributes (high quality in batteries, reputation) and lower prices (through lower costs in value-creating activities). The idea is to provide unique value to customers in an efficient manner. In other words, Gillette needs to adopt the cost leadership strategy and attain parity on the basis of differentiation relative to competitors. Duracell needs to be able to stay â€Å"on par†with competitors with respect to differentiated products. In effect, the company needs to pursue overall cost leadership positions in its batteries segment, but still needs to pay attention to emerging higher performance alkaline batteries. In more practical terms, Gillette can first achieve cost differentiation with an aggressive approach to adopting efficient-scale facilities. Tight cost and overhead control can lead to economies of scale where per unit costs will significantly decrease with larger production runs, larger facilities, and allocating fixed costs (such as marketing and R&D) across more units produced. On the other hand, closing down plants in areas of slumping sales can lead to greater efficiencies in costs. Together, these policies will protect Gillette from rivalry of competitors such as Energizer and Rayovac (and new entrants) due to Duracell’s strong existing market share (43%) and reputation in the industry. Moreover, Gillette needs to eliminate small costs that can cumulate over a period of time to yield substantial gains. For example, marketing expenses have accumulated to $370 million from 1998 to 2000 simply because of new product launches each year but without necessity for batteries. These expenses can be controlled by simply conducting secondary market research and analyzing external sources more carefully such as Consumer Reports as they have indicated that consumers are buying batteries by price. Finally, Duracell can still provide its customers the unique value they desire through its reputation and brand loyalty. Introducing a new and improved product with high quality every two years (rather than every year) will allow customers to seek new quality and value while maintaining customer loyalty. These are the proposed recommendations for Gillette when considering a turnaround strategy for the portable power segment and Duracell.
Friday, September 13, 2019
Anything Goes is a bad policy technology and Society Essay
Anything Goes is a bad policy technology and Society - Essay Example The problems of technology are then considered through use of 'Resistentialism'. Turning from that to the question of whether we adapt technology, or if it adapts our needs, the study will also consider if technology is truly neutral, and therefore the responsibility for good and evil outcomes lies within the human being using and developing this technology. After discussing all these factors, the essay will conclude by considering whether this subject is to be feared, utilized, or ignored in order to achieve the best for society. Science fiction has produced some of the most influential books of the last century, many of them written in the period between the end of the Victorian era and the beginning of the Cold War. These stories, such as Fahrenheit 451, or 1984 are often dystopian in setting and outcome, with technological advancements used by negative forces. C M Kornbluth's A Little Black Bag ends tragically, as the hero is destroyed by other's greed, and a technology that should have been beneficial to society at large is eliminated. In those stories, human evil is responsible for manipulating the essentially neutral technology (In Kornbluth's tale, it is used for good by the doctor who redeems himself, and it is his assistant's inability to see any use for the technology except as a money-spinner which causes the tragedy [Kornbluth A Little Black Bag]). However, overuse of technology, also increases in human ignorance. Asimov's The Feeling of Power depicts a future where people cannot do mathematics a ny more due to their reliance upon technology; even the most basic thought processes are troublesome to people dependant upon computers and machines. Later fictions, such as the Cyberpunk movement, have been more ambivalent about technology: Neuromancer depicts a future in which technology gets more and More amazing, without having any effect on the world's Problems. (Jones, 92) Certainly Neuromancer is not a utopian version of the future, but in the novel, society cannot function without technology, whether it is the official social structures, such as businesses or those in the underworld and black markets. This may be a reflection of the current state of western society, where we cannot imagine a future in which technology does not play a major part. Any discussion of the role of technology in society must consider what exactly is meant by the term 'technology'. Usually, when this word is used, in phrases such as 'IT' (information technology), it refers to the mechanical and electronic systems
Thursday, September 12, 2019
Human Services and Those with Disabilities Research Paper
Human Services and Those with Disabilities - Research Paper Example In their research work, Ward and Stewart (2008) have relied on an extensive literature research examining the human rights frameworks like UDHR, Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disability, etc. The authors have developed a â€Å"model of human rights to persons with an intellectual disability†(Ward and Stewart, 2008, p. 297) to diminish the gap between needs and rights. They also apply this model to a 16-year-old woman named Suzy with medium intellectual disability. Her parents and caregivers wish that she undergoes hysterectomy. But Suzy lacks proper sex education. Applying their model, the researchers argue that the patients like her should be properly informed about the surgical procedures like hysterectomy before they are actually conducted on them. In their research work, Ward and Stewart have relied on an extensive literature research examining the human rights frameworks like UDHR, Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disability, etc. The authors have d eveloped a â€Å"model of human rights to persons with an intellectual disability†to diminish the gap between needs and rights. They also apply this model to a 16-year-old woman named Suzy with medium intellectual disability. Her parents and caregivers wish that she undergoes hysterectomy. But Suzy lacks proper sex education. Applying their model, the researchers argue that the patients like her should be properly informed about the surgical procedures like hysterectomy before they are actually conducted on them.
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
Urban economics paper Research Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Urban economics - Research Paper Example Aspects such as population, employment and poverty index among others will be discussed in this study. As a point of departure, the City of San Antonio is found in the United States with the population of 1, 409, 019, making it the seventh most populous city in the US. This population is an indication of 16% increase since the year 2000. The growth rate in this city has been cited to be high and San Antonio is ranked among the top ten in terms of growth in the last decade. The location of this city is towards the South west of the US. It is notable that, the city is attributed to features of other cities in the western urban, which include the sparsely populated places and a relatively low-density rate within the outskirts of the city. The climate of the City of San Antonio has an intermediary humid subtropical weather. During summer, the city experiences a relatively hot weather and during winter, the climate is mild and cold, especially at night. Consider the following image that indicates a section of the city of Antonio. The city covers an area size of 1, 205.4 km2 and land of 1, 193.7km2. In addition, the city has 5.78 square miles of water. In terms of supply of water, the city has been in need of water for expansion purposes and can only acquire this commodity by buying rights from the farmers (Thompson and Browne, 27) Like any other fast developing city with a relatively higher growth rate, the employment opportunities in most cases take an assorted trend due to the numerous dynamics that exists. For instance, the growing population of professionals both the youth and the experienced age of between 38 to 55years calls fro more job positions in both the formal and informal sectors. The employment opportunities in the City of San Antonio are pooled from both the private and public sectors. For instance, the job opportunities boost rose to 2.6% this year and the unemployment rate reducing to the minimum of the 4.6%. This
Tuesday, September 10, 2019
Is Anthropogenic Global Warming a problem and if so, why is it not Essay
Is Anthropogenic Global Warming a problem and if so, why is it not being solved - Essay Example 47). This paper will discuss the phenomenon of AGW, understand the problems and causes and examine counterviews that do not support these views. The paper will also examine the reasons as to why the problem has not been solved. 2. Understanding 'Anthropogenic Global Warming' Temperatures of the earth’s surface can change due to a number of natural reasons and these include increased volcanic activity, increased solar storms and radiation from the sun. However, these natural phenomenons are sporadic and they appear quickly, last for some time and then disappear. Nature and the environment then get an opportunity to stabilise and heal itself (Houghton, 2005, p. 45). However, since the industrial age when man started increasing his use of fossil fuels and also started using petroleum products, natural gas and thermal power plants, the impact on the environment has been severe. The use of these fossil fuels is almost non-stop and continues unabated through the year. Massive amount s of pollutants and greenhouse effect gases - GHG are released (Ruddiman, 2005, p. 76). These GHS are made of carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, sulphur and other such gases. They spread in the atmosphere and re-radiate the suns rays from the atmosphere causing greenhouse effect that reheat the atmosphere and raise the temperatures. Natural carbon traps such as forests that absorb CO2 have been reduced in density. This means that less carbon is absorbed by the environment and temperatures continue to rise. Rapid urbanisation with an increase in the ‘concrete jungle’ means more heat is reflected into the atmosphere. The main reason for the increase in carbon emission as seen is due to human activity and this has given rise to the term ‘'Anthropogenic Global Warming’ (Emanuel, 2005, p. 89). 2.1. Proof and evidence Many respected and reputed organisations such as the United Nations have published data on global warming (UNFCC, 2012; Pachauri, 2007; IPCC, 2007). The year 1800 is taken as the base year when meaningful industrial activity started. The CO2 amount release in 1800 AD is taken as zero and by 2000; this figure had increased to 9 billion metric tons of CO2 equivalent per year. Similarly, the average temperatures of the atmosphere were considered as -0.4 degree centigrade in 1800. By 2000, the average temperature has increased by +0.6 degree centigrade and this is an overall increase of 1.2 degree centigrade. Worse is in store since UNO experts believe that if the present industrial activity and lifestyle continues without restraint, then the temperature build-up would be much quicker and exponential. By 2060, the average temperature rise over 1800 values would be 4 degree centigrade. At this stage, polar ice will have melted, many coastal cities and vast hinterlands would be underwater and there would probably be another ice age (Anderson, 2011). This is not some kind of fear mongering but simulations arrived at by powerful computers that have analysed weather patterns and temperature changes (Tirpak, 2005). 2.2. Counterviews of AGW Global warming and drastic climate change has unfortunately been dragged into political and corporate wars. Peden (2009) argues that AGW is nothing but a hoax started by businesspersons who want to cash in on the business opportunities that global warming provide. Chameides (2011) commenting on a news report from Fox News says that global warming is a natural phenomenon and it has been going on since earth was formed. Temperatures rise led
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