Tuesday, September 10, 2019
Is Anthropogenic Global Warming a problem and if so, why is it not Essay
Is Anthropogenic Global Warming a problem and if so, why is it not being solved - Essay Example 47). This paper will discuss the phenomenon of AGW, understand the problems and causes and examine counterviews that do not support these views. The paper will also examine the reasons as to why the problem has not been solved. 2. Understanding 'Anthropogenic Global Warming' Temperatures of the earth’s surface can change due to a number of natural reasons and these include increased volcanic activity, increased solar storms and radiation from the sun. However, these natural phenomenons are sporadic and they appear quickly, last for some time and then disappear. Nature and the environment then get an opportunity to stabilise and heal itself (Houghton, 2005, p. 45). However, since the industrial age when man started increasing his use of fossil fuels and also started using petroleum products, natural gas and thermal power plants, the impact on the environment has been severe. The use of these fossil fuels is almost non-stop and continues unabated through the year. Massive amount s of pollutants and greenhouse effect gases - GHG are released (Ruddiman, 2005, p. 76). These GHS are made of carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, sulphur and other such gases. They spread in the atmosphere and re-radiate the suns rays from the atmosphere causing greenhouse effect that reheat the atmosphere and raise the temperatures. Natural carbon traps such as forests that absorb CO2 have been reduced in density. This means that less carbon is absorbed by the environment and temperatures continue to rise. Rapid urbanisation with an increase in the ‘concrete jungle’ means more heat is reflected into the atmosphere. The main reason for the increase in carbon emission as seen is due to human activity and this has given rise to the term ‘'Anthropogenic Global Warming’ (Emanuel, 2005, p. 89). 2.1. Proof and evidence Many respected and reputed organisations such as the United Nations have published data on global warming (UNFCC, 2012; Pachauri, 2007; IPCC, 2007). The year 1800 is taken as the base year when meaningful industrial activity started. The CO2 amount release in 1800 AD is taken as zero and by 2000; this figure had increased to 9 billion metric tons of CO2 equivalent per year. Similarly, the average temperatures of the atmosphere were considered as -0.4 degree centigrade in 1800. By 2000, the average temperature has increased by +0.6 degree centigrade and this is an overall increase of 1.2 degree centigrade. Worse is in store since UNO experts believe that if the present industrial activity and lifestyle continues without restraint, then the temperature build-up would be much quicker and exponential. By 2060, the average temperature rise over 1800 values would be 4 degree centigrade. At this stage, polar ice will have melted, many coastal cities and vast hinterlands would be underwater and there would probably be another ice age (Anderson, 2011). This is not some kind of fear mongering but simulations arrived at by powerful computers that have analysed weather patterns and temperature changes (Tirpak, 2005). 2.2. Counterviews of AGW Global warming and drastic climate change has unfortunately been dragged into political and corporate wars. Peden (2009) argues that AGW is nothing but a hoax started by businesspersons who want to cash in on the business opportunities that global warming provide. Chameides (2011) commenting on a news report from Fox News says that global warming is a natural phenomenon and it has been going on since earth was formed. Temperatures rise led
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